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Minimum Tank Size60 litres / 15.85 US gallons
Maximum Size6.5cm / 2.56inches
Temperature22°C / 71.60°F - 29°C / 84.20°F
Hardness1.01dgH / 18ppm - 5.04dgH / 90ppm

General Description

The Apistogramma Barlowi is a member of the Cichlidae family within the Perciformes order. This species, identified by the code A174, is also known as A. sp. ‘Maulbrüter/mouthbrooder', A. sp. ‘Glaser', and A. sp. ‘Hauswell'. It can be distinguished by its possession of 3 infraorbital pores, disproportionately-sized head, and mouthparts with large jaws and hypertrophied lips in adult males. Apistogramma is known for being one of the most species-rich South American cichlid genera, with approximately 70 validated species to date and more awaiting description.

Aquarium Setup

The Apistogramma Barlowi requires a tank with a minimum size of 60 litres. It is recommended to set up the aquarium with cover and structures such as ceramic flowerpots, plastic piping, wood roots, and branches to create shaded areas and caves. A soft, sandy substrate is ideal, and the addition of dried leaf litter can provide cover, spawning sites, and a secondary food source for fry. Dim lighting is preferred, and aquatic plant species like Microsorum, Taxiphyllum, and Cryptocoryne spp. can be added. Filtration should not be too strong to prevent stressing the fish, and stable water conditions with low pH (4.5-6.5) and very soft water are essential.


Apistogramma Barlowi is best kept either alone or with small 'dither' fishes like Nannostomus spp. They should ideally not be mixed with other Apistogramma species. In comparison to some genus members, they display relatively mild behavior towards conspecifics.

Feeding and Diet

Being chiefly carnivorous, Apistogramma Barlowi primarily feeds on benthic invertebrates in their natural habitat. In an aquarium setting, they should be offered live and frozen foods like Artemia, Daphnia, Moina, and chironomid larvae regularly. They can also learn to accept dried alternatives, with pelleted products being the preferred choice.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Apistogramma Barlowi is known to be a facultative, biparental, larviphorous mouthbrooder, a behavior rare among Apistogramma species. Male Barlowi grow larger, have enlarged head and mouthparts, and develop more vibrant colors as they mature. They also display lappet-like extensions to the dorsal-fin rays. On the other hand, females remain smaller, with a different fin structure and less pronounced coloration.

Habitat and Distribution

Native to the río Ampiyacu drainage in northeastern Peru, Apistogramma Barlowi has two non-sympatric populations: a red form with markings on the head and a darker coloration and a white form lacking red markings and being generally paler. They prefer cool, flowing forest streams with weakly acidic to neutral water conditions, often living alongside species like A. agassizii.


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