Fresh Water
Apistogramma Commbrae

Apistogramma Commbrae

Cichlidae Print

Family: ['Cichlidae']
Synonym Names: Heterogramma commbrae Regan 1906, Biotodoma commbrae Eigenmann and Regan 1906, Hetrogramma corumbae Eigenmann and Ward 1907

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Minimum Tank Size60 litres / 15.85 US gallons
Maximum Size5.0cm / 1.97inches
Temperature15°C / 59.00°F - 27°C / 80.60°F
Hardness1.01dgH / 18ppm - 6.05dgH / 108ppm

General Description

Apistogramma commbrae, also known as the Corumba Dwarf Cichlid (A93), is a species within the Cichlidae family. It is a small fish, reaching a maximum size of 5.0cm.

Aquarium Setup

Apistogramma commbrae is a versatile species that can adapt to various water parameters. A tank size of at least 60 litres is recommended. The setup should include hiding spots like ceramic flowerpots, plastic piping, and wood roots. Soft, sandy substrate with dried leaf litter can provide cover and spawning sites. Dim lighting and aquatic plants like Microsorum and Cryptocoryne species are suitable. Floating vegetation such as Ceratopteris is also beneficial. Gentle filtration like an air-powered sponge filter is preferred to maintain water quality.


In the aquarium, Apistogramma commbrae is generally peaceful and can thrive in a community tank. It is advisable to keep this species with tankmates that also prefer lower temperatures. Suitable companions include Hyphessobrycon elachys, Corydoras hastatus, Otothyropsis piribebuy, and Pyrrhulina australis.

Feeding and Diet

As a carnivorous fish, Apistogramma commbrae primarily feeds on benthic invertebrates. In captivity, they should be offered a diet of live and frozen foods such as Artemia, Daphnia, Moina, and chironomid larvae. They can also be trained to accept high-quality dried foods like pellets.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Apistogramma commbrae is a substrate spawner, with females laying eggs in crevices or cavities. Males are larger, more colorful, and have extended fins compared to females. During breeding, females display a yellow livery with black markings. The species is monogamous, with males focusing on territory patrol while females care for the eggs and fry.

Habitat and Distribution

In the wild, Apistogramma commbrae inhabits various freshwater habitats ranging from large rivers to small streams with abundant aquatic vegetation. They are commonly found in slightly acidic water but have also been reported in neutral to slightly alkaline conditions. This species is distributed throughout the Rio Paraguay catchment in countries like Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay, and Argentina, as well as in the upper Guapore tributary of the Rio Madeira.


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