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Minimum Tank Size60 litres / 15.85 US gallons
Maximum Size7.5cm / 2.95inches
Temperature22°C / 71.60°F - 29°C / 84.20°F
Hardness0.00dgH / 0ppm - 5.04dgH / 90ppm

General Description

Apistogramma Panduro, also known as the "blue panda cichlid" or "azure cichlid," belongs to the Cichlidae family under the order Perciformes. This species is characterized by its lower jaw, which extends beyond the upper jaw, and is part of the diverse genus Apistogramma, which has approximately 70 valid species with more awaiting description. It is a carnivorous fish that primarily feeds on benthic invertebrates in its natural habitat.

Aquarium Setup

For Apistogramma Panduro, a tank size of at least 60 litres is recommended. The ideal tank setup includes ample hiding spots like ceramic flowerpots, plastic piping, and natural materials such as wood roots and branches. The addition of dried leaf litter and aquarium-safe peat can create a natural environment, promoting the growth of beneficial microbe colonies. Dim lighting and plant species like Microsorum, Taxiphyllum, Cryptocoryne, and Anubias are suitable, with floating vegetation to diffuse light. Water conditions should be maintained at a pH of 4.0-6.5, hardness of 0-90ppm, and temperature between 22-29 degrees Celsius.


In captivity, Apistogramma Panduro is best suited for community aquariums with captive-raised fish. However, wild specimens are more aggressive and should preferably be kept alone or with small "dither" fishes like Nannostomus or Micropoecilia spp. Due to its aggressive behavior towards conspecifics, maintaining a large tank would be necessary to house a group, and pairs of this species tend to be monogamous, eliminating the need for a harem of females alongside a male.

Feeding and Diet

Apistogramma Panduro is chiefly carnivorous, feeding on live and frozen foods like Artemia, Daphnia, and chironomid larvae (bloodworm). They can also be trained to accept dried food alternatives with pelleted products being preferred over flakes. The diet should be supplemented with a variety of foods to ensure nutritional balance and overall health.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

This species is a substrate spawner, with females laying eggs in crevices among tank decor. Post-spawning care is primarily the responsibility of the female, who guards the eggs and fry. Males exhibit sexual dimorphism, being larger, more colorful, and having more extended fins than females. In smaller setups, it may be necessary to remove the male after spawning to prevent aggression towards the female and fry.

Habitat and Distribution

Apistogramma Panduro is native to the Río Ucayali drainage in northern Peru, specifically the Genaro/Jenaro Herrera District, Loreto Region. It is also found in the Río Tahuayo and possibly the Río Tamshiyacu. These cichlids inhabit slower-moving tributaries, backwaters, and creeks, particularly in areas where fallen leaf litter accumulates, mimicking their natural habitat in the aquarium is crucial for their well-being.


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