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Minimum Tank Size40 litres / 10.57 US gallons
Maximum Size4.2cm / 1.65inches
Temperature22°C / 71.60°F - 31°C / 87.80°F
Hardness1.01dgH / 18ppm - 3.03dgH / 54ppm

General Description

Apistogramma Paulmuelleri, also known by various trade names such as A. sp. 'Apache' or A. sp. 'Peru-regani,' is a small cichlid species classified under the order Perciformes. These colorful fish are part of the speciose South American cichlid genus Apistogramma, with distinct physical characteristics that set them apart from other members of their genus.

Aquarium Setup

When setting up an aquarium for Apistogramma Paulmuelleri, a minimum tank size of 40 litres is recommended (see table for water conditions). Providing adequate cover and structure is crucial, with options such as ceramic flowerpots, plastic piping, and wood roots creating hiding spots and caves for the fish. A natural-looking setup with a soft, sandy substrate, wood branches, and dried leaf litter is ideal for fostering a suitable environment. Dim lighting, aquatic plants like Microsorum and floating vegetation like Ceratopteris spp., contribute to creating a comfortable habitat. It is important to maintain stable water conditions and avoid introducing the fish to biologically immature aquariums.


Apistogramma Paulmuelleri is best kept alone or with small 'dither' fish like Nannostomus spp., as they should ideally not be mixed with other Apistogramma species. These fish exhibit unique behaviors and may display territorial tendencies, especially during breeding periods. Males are known to be larger, more colorful, and develop more extended fins compared to females.

Feeding and Diet

Chiefly carnivorous, Apistogramma Paulmuelleri primarily feeds on benthic invertebrates in their natural habitat. In aquariums, they should be offered a diet of live and frozen foods such as Artemia, Daphnia, and chironomid larvae (bloodworm). These fish can also learn to accept dried alternatives, with pelleted products being the preferred choice.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Apistogramma Paulmuelleri is a substrate spawner, with females laying their eggs in crevices or cavities among the decor. Post-spawning, females take on the responsibility of caring for the eggs and fry, sometimes requiring the removal of the male to prevent aggression. Sexual dimorphism is evident in these fish, with males being larger, more colorful, and showcasing extended fins compared to females.

Habitat and Distribution

The species Apistogramma Paulmuelleri is currently known only from its type locality in a small stream near Iquitos to Nauta in the Loreto region of Peru. These fish inhabit forest streams with clear, light-brown water and are sympatric with various other species such as Laetacara flavilabris and Aequidens spp. The habitat of Apistogramma Paulmuelleri has faced degradation due to the removal of riparian vegetation in recent years.


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