Fresh Water

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Minimum Tank Size60 litres / 15.85 US gallons
Maximum Size7.0cm / 2.76inches
Temperature22°C / 71.60°F - 29°C / 84.20°F
Hardness1.01dgH / 18ppm - 5.04dgH / 90ppm

General Description

Apistogramma Sp. 'Breitbinden' is a species of cichlid classified under Perciformes, with the common German name translating to 'broad-banded'. This species, despite being known in the aquarium trade for several decades, remains undescribed scientifically. It is part of the Apistogramma genus, which is one of the most speciose South American cichlid genera, with around 70 valid species. These cichlids are often labeled with collection data to prevent hybridization with other similar species. Apistogramma Sp. 'Breitbinden' is a substrate spawner, and sexually mature males establish territories, displaying aggression towards other males but usually tolerating multiple females.

Aquarium Setup

For Apistogramma Sp. 'Breitbinden', a tank of at least 60 liters is recommended, with a substrate of soft sand and plenty of hiding spots created using wood, roots, branches, and even dried leaf litter. Artificial decorations like ceramic pots and plastic piping can also be used. Dim lighting is preferred, along with floating vegetation and aquatic plant species that can thrive in such conditions. The water should be soft and acidic, with a pH range of 4.0-6.5, low carbonate hardness, and temperatures between 22-29°C. Filtration should be gentle, such as an air-powered sponge filter, to cater to their sensitivity to organic wastes.


These cichlids are best kept either alone or with small 'dither' fish such as Nannostomus species. It is advisable not to house them with other Apistogramma species as they may display territorial behavior. Males of Apistogramma Sp. 'Breitbinden' are known to establish territories and can be aggressive towards other males, while females guard and tend to the eggs and fry post-spawning.

Feeding and Diet

Apistogramma species are primarily carnivorous, feeding on benthic invertebrates in the wild. In an aquarium, they should be offered a diet of live and frozen foods like Artemia, Daphnia, Moina, and chironomid larvae. Most species will also accept dried foods like pellets. Providing a varied diet ensures they receive proper nutrition.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

These cichlids are substrate spawners, with females laying eggs in crevices. Males exhibit territorial behavior and may court multiple females. After spawning, the male typically resumes protecting its territory while the female guards the eggs and fry. Males are larger, more colorful, and develop extended fins compared to females. Older males may have pronounced extensions on their dorsal fins.

Habitat and Distribution

Apistogramma Sp. 'Breitbinden' is originally found in the upper Rio Negro region near S\xE3o Gabriel da Cachoeira on the Rio Uaup\xE9s in northwestern Brazil. They have also been collected in the middle and upper Orinoco basin in western Venezuela and the Rio Inirida system in eastern Colombia. These cichlids prefer slower-moving tributaries, backwaters, and creeks with fallen leaf litter for cover.


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