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Minimum Tank Size270 litres / 71.33 US gallons
Maximum Size120.0cm / 47.24inches
Temperature25°C / 77.00°F - 29°C / 84.20°F
Hardness10.03dgH / 179ppm - 25.04dgH / 447ppm

General Description

The Aulonocara Baenschi, also known as the New Yellow Regal Peacock, belongs to the family Cichlidae and falls under the classification order Perciformes. This species, commonly found in Lake Malawi, showcases a steep and curved snout profile, which serves as a key distinguishing feature from other similar-looking congeners. With a maximum size reaching 120.0cm, they adapt to the intermediate zones of the lake where rocky shores transition into sandy bottoms with scattered rocks.

Aquarium Setup

Creating a suitable aquarium habitat for Aulonocara Baenschi involves organizing rock piles within the tank while leaving open spaces between them. Utilizing fine sand as substrate is essential for natural feeding behaviors. Coarser options like gravel or small pebbles can impede feeding and pose ingestion risks. Compatible with hard water-tolerant plant species such as Vallisneria, Anubias, or Sagittaria, these cichlids thrive in stabilized water conditions. Maintaining water quality is crucial, necessitating over-filtering and regular water changes of 30-50% weekly.


Typically peaceful, Aulonocara Baenschi males exhibit aggression towards fish with similar color patterns. When selecting tankmates, caution is advised, with suggestions including differently-patterned Copadichromis, Placidochromis, Otopharynx lithobates, Labidochromis caeruleus, and peaceful Mbuna. It's recommended to keep only one male alongside 4-6 females in all but the largest aquarium setups to manage aggression levels effectively.

Feeding and Diet

Aulonocara Baenschi are benthophagous, feeding by sifting edible items from substrate mouthfuls. Their diet in captivity should consist of high-quality prepared foods, supplemented with live or frozen options like chironomid larvae, Tubifex, Artemia, and mosquito larvae. Incorporating dried products rich in vegetable matter such as Spirulina supports their nutritional needs. Offering multiple smaller daily portions encourages natural browsing behavior, leading to optimal growth rates and condition.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Known as maternal mouthbrooders, Aulonocara Baenschi females carry broods for up to four weeks before releasing fully developed fry. To maximize breeding success, maintaining a specific tank setup or relocating the breeding pair is recommended. During courtship and spawning, the male showcases egg spots on the anal fin to attract females for fertilization. Sexually dimorphic, adult males exhibit larger size and more vibrant colors than females.

Habitat and Distribution

Endemic to Lake Malawi, Aulonocara Baenschi is found in regions like Usisya, Nkhomo reef, Benga, Maleri Islands, and Chipoka along the lake's western shoreline. Thriving in shallow waters ranging from 4-6 meters, although occasionally recorded at depths of up to 16 meters, these cichlids prefer habitats characterized by rocky-sandy bottoms in intermediate lake zones. Ideal tank conditions mirror their natural habitat to ensure their well-being and behavior.


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