Fresh Water

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Minimum Tank Size270 litres / 71.33 US gallons
Maximum Size12.0cm / 4.72inches
Temperature25°C / 77.00°F - 29°C / 84.20°F
Hardness10.03dgH / 179ppm - 25.04dgH / 447ppm

General Description

Aulonocara sp. 'Stuartgranti Maleri', commonly known as the Sunshine Peacock, is a cichlid species that remains under debate for whether it is a yet undescribed fish or not. It is often confused with Aulonocara stuartgranti 'Maleri' due to its similar appearance to Aulonocara baenschi, distinguishable by its straighter head profile and smaller eyes. This species is typically found in the intermediate zones of Lake Malawi, specifically around the Maleri Islands, Chidunga Rocks, Mumbo Island, and Namalenje Island.

Aquarium Setup

When setting up an aquarium for Aulonocara sp. 'Stuartgranti Maleri', it is essential to replicate its natural habitat by arranging rockwork formations with open spaces in between, providing fine sand substrate for natural feeding behaviors. Avoid gravel or small pebbles that can hinder feeding and cause harm. This species is compatible with hard water-tolerant plant species like Vallisneria, Anubias, and Sagittaria. Maintaining stable water quality is crucial, achieved through over-filtering the tank and performing regular water changes of 30-50%.


The Sunshine Peacock is not as peaceful as some of its relatives, with males exhibiting aggression towards fish with similar color patterns. It is recommended to house just a single male with 4-6 females in most aquarium setups. Males establish territories between rocks, while females and juveniles forage in loose groups. Care should be taken when selecting tankmates to avoid aggressive interactions.

Feeding and Diet

Aulonocara sp. 'Stuartgranti Maleri' is a benthophagous species, feeding by sifting through substrate for edible items. In captivity, they should be offered a varied diet of high-quality prepared foods, live or frozen larvae, and vegetable matter-rich products like Spirulina. Feeding small portions multiple times a day mimics their natural browsing behavior and supports optimal growth and health.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

These cichlids are maternal mouthbrooders, with females carrying eggs in their mouths for up to four weeks before releasing free-swimming fry. Males display courtship behaviors, females lay eggs, and fertilization occurs through egg spots on the male's anal fin. Males are larger and more colorful than females, with selective breeding producing ornamental strains like A. 'sp. German red' and A. 'sp. rubescens'.

Habitat and Distribution

Endemic to Lake Malawi, Aulonocara sp. 'Stuartgranti Maleri' is found in the southern regions of the lake, specifically around the Maleri Islands and Chidunga Rocks. They inhabit intermediate zones transitioning from rocky shores to sandy expanses with scattered rocks, showcasing territorial behavior in males and group foraging in females and juveniles.


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