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Minimum Tank Size190 litres / 50.19 US gallons
Maximum Size40.0cm / 15.75inches
Temperature23°C / 73.40°F - 30°C / 86.00°F

General Description

Cichlasoma Trimaculatus, commonly known as the Three Spot Cichlid or Trimac, is a large and colorful cichlid species with a slight aggressive nature. Believed to be involved in creating the hybrid Flowerhorn cichlid, this fish can reach a maximum size of 40.0cm. They thrive in large tanks with a minimum capacity of 190 litres and are known for being messy eaters, requiring efficient filtration. The species is native to the western regions of Mexico, Guatemala, and El Salvador, with feral populations also established in the USA and Singapore.

Aquarium Setup

To create a suitable environment for the Trimac cichlid, the tank should be furnished with rocks and bogwood to allow the fish to form territories. Avoid strong water currents as these cichlids prefer lakes and slow-moving waters in their natural habitat. Plants are not recommended as Trimacs tend to uproot them and rearrange the tank to their liking. It is suggested to use a spraybar to moderate water flow, as these fish do not tolerate strong currents well. Refer to the table for specific water parameter requirements.


Trimac cichlids are notably aggressive and do not easily tolerate tankmates, making them more suitable for a tank where they are the dominant species. However, in a spacious tank with other robust cichlid species, it may be possible to maintain a community. They tend to be territorial and will rearrange their environment according to their preferences.

Feeding and Diet

Being predatory fish, Trimac cichlids primarily feed on other fish along with aquatic and terrestrial invertebrates in their diet. Providing a varied diet with live or frozen foods to mimic their natural feeding habits is essential for their health and well-being.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Breeding Trimac cichlids is relatively straightforward, with the pair usually selecting a flat stone as a spawning site. They can lay up to 1000 eggs, and both parents are diligent in guarding the eggs and tending to the fry upon hatching. Male Trimacs tend to be larger and often exhibit more vibrant colors than females.

Habitat and Distribution

In the wild, Trimac cichlids are commonly found in sluggish waters of the Pacific coastal plains and surrounding lowlands. They prefer soft substrates of mud and sand, often residing among submerged roots, branches, and vegetation. These fish are well-adapted to such environments and display unique behaviors that reflect their natural habitat.


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