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Minimum Tank Size80 litres / 21.13 US gallons
Maximum Size10.0cm / 3.94inches
Temperature24°C / 75.20°F - 28.3°C / 82.94°F

General Description

Ctenochromis Polli, a species belonging to the Cichlidae family, possesses a reddish-orange marking on the ventral surface of the head in adult males, intensifying during territorial or courtship behavior. These fish can reach a maximum size of 10.0cm.

Aquarium Setup

To house Ctenochromis Polli, an aquarium with a minimum capacity of 80 liters is recommended. It is advised to use a soft, sandy substrate and incorporate driftwood roots and branches to create sheltered spots for subdominant individuals to evade the dominant male. Additionally, items like clay flowerpots, PVC piping, and coconut shells can serve the same purpose. Dim lighting, aquatic plants such as Anubias and Cryptocoryne spp., and floating vegetation are essential. Stable water conditions with a hardness of 5-15°dH, pH between 6.0-7.5, and a temperature range of 24-28.3°C are necessary.


Ctenochromis Polli can be kept in a community tank with peaceful pelagic characids and cyprinids as ideal tankmates. It is not very gregarious, and typically, only one male should be housed in the aquarium unless it is exceptionally large. It is recommended to keep several females per male to minimize aggression, as females will form their dominance hierarchy.

Feeding and Diet

Concerning diet, Ctenochromis Polli thrives on a diet consisting of various small live and frozen foods. They are known to be benthic feeders, so providing sinking pellets or tablets is beneficial.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

During reproduction, the reddish-orange marking on the ventral head of adult males intensifies. It is advisable to maintain a ratio of several females per male to encourage successful breeding and reduce aggression within the group.

Habitat and Distribution

Originating from the Stanley Pool in western-central Africa, specifically on the border of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Republic of the Congo, Ctenochromis Polli has been documented as far south as Pioka and Maninga in the Lower Congo basin. To the north, its distribution appears to be limited to the town of Kwamouth in the Central Congo region.


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