Fresh Water
Etroplus Suratensis

Etroplus Suratensis

Perciformes Print

Family: Cichlidae
Synonym Names: Chaetodon suratensis Bloch, Chaetodon caris Hamilton, Etroplus meleagris Cuvier
Classification Order: Perciformes

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Minimum Tank Size10000 litres / 2641.72 US gallons
Maximum Size35.0cm / 13.78inches
Temperature20°C / 68.00°F - 30°C / 86.00°F
Hardness10.03dgH / 179ppm - 20.00dgH / 357ppm

General Description

The Green Chromide (Etroplus Suratensis) is a species classified under Perciformes, known for its relatively peaceful behavior in community settings. This cichlid species is considered a generalist feeder, showing a tendency to graze on aufwuchs, filamentous algae, and small live or frozen foods like chironomid larvae and Artemia.

Aquarium Setup

The Green Chromide thrives in freshwater or brackish water conditions, as stated under water conditions. It requires a clean environment with weekly water changes to ensure water quality. Decor choices can include sandy substrate, rocks, and driftwood to mimic its natural habitat. A minimum tank size of 10,000 liters is recommended.


In the aquarium, the Green Chromide forms noticeable dominance hierarchies and exhibits a strong social response when threatened. It's essential to maintain them in groups of 8 or more to avoid bullying among weaker individuals. During breeding periods, they form pair bonds and engage in biparental substrate spawning.

Feeding and Diet

The Green Chromide is a generalist feeder, feeding on aufwuchs, algae, crustacean larvae, and organic matter in the wild. In captivity, they can be fed high-quality prepared foods, supplemented with live or frozen items like bloodworms and Artemia. A balanced diet containing vegetable matter is essential for their nutrition.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

This species engages in biparental substrate spawning, with adults actively caring for eggs and fry. Males are typically larger than females, with intensification of color patterns during nuptial displays. Distinguishing males from females becomes easier during nuptial periods due to visual cues like occipital stripes and differences in genital papillae.

Habitat and Distribution

Native to peninsular India and Sri Lanka, the Green Chromide inhabits brackish estuaries, coastal lagoons, and rivers in its natural habitat. It can also thrive in freshwater conditions and has been introduced to other regions like Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore. They are euryhaline and have been observed adapting to conditions of low dissolved oxygen in their environment. The species has exhibited a symbiotic relationship with the congener E. maculatus in certain habitats.


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