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Minimum Tank Size300 litres / 79.25 US gallons
Maximum Size18.0cm / 7.09inches
Temperature26°C / 78.80°F - 30°C / 86.00°F
Hardness1.01dgH / 18ppm - 10.03dgH / 179ppm


  • G. argyrostictus is notably more aggressive compared to most other Geophagus species, although multiple specimens can still coexist in larger aquariums.
  • A group of 5-8 individuals is recommended as a minimum purchase to prevent weaker individuals from being targeted by excessive aggression within smaller groups.
  • It is generally advisable to avoid housing this species with other cichlids, although instances of successful long-term maintenance alongside members of the G. surinamensis complex have been reported.
  • Smaller fishes are typically ignored, and schools of small characids can be added without fear of predation.
  • Some aquarists have successfully kept Geophagus species alongside freshwater stingrays of the genus Potamotrygon, although caution is advised as some cases have resulted in the disappearance of stingrays at night.

Feeding and Diet

  • G. argyrostictus are benthophagous, feeding on substrate by taking mouthfuls and sifting for edible items.
  • A suitable substrate is essential for their well-being, as they are commonly termed "eartheaters" due to their feeding method.
  • Their diet consists of small aquatic and terrestrial invertebrates, plant material, organic detritus, and sediment.
  • They require a variety of high-quality, fine-grade prepared foods along with small live or frozen options like bloodworms, Tubifex, Artemia, and mosquito larvae.
  • Home-made recipes containing a mix of dried fish food, shellfish, fruit, and vegetables are also suitable for their diet.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

  • Unlike many congeners, G. argyrostictus is a substrate spawner.
  • Spawning requires good diet and stringent maintenance, including large weekly water changes.
  • Accurate sexing is challenging, so it's recommended to begin with a group of young fish and allow pairs to form naturally.
  • Courtship behaviors involve fin flaring, circling, gaping, and head jerking displays.
  • Males tend to be slightly larger with longer finnage, while females may exhibit a visible ovipositor when spawning.

Habitat and Distribution

  • G. argyrostictus is found exclusively in the rio Xingú river system in northeastern Brazil.
  • Their habitat includes clear water environments with substrates of sand, fine gravel, and mud.
  • They prefer gently sloping marginal zones around shores or islands, sometimes with scattered rocks and submerged tree roots.
  • Common tankmates in the Xingú river system include various fish species such as tetras, cichlids, and catfish.
  • Populations with different coloration and patterning have been identified, including those named 'Altamira,' 'São Félix,' and 'Tamandua Zinho'.


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