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Minimum Tank Size300 litres / 79.25 US gallons
Maximum Size20.0cm / 7.87inches
Temperature25°C / 77.00°F - 33°C / 91.40°F
Hardness2.02dgH / 36ppm - 12.05dgH / 215ppm

General Description

Geophagus camopiensis, also known as the Oiapoque Eartheater, is a species that belongs to the Cichlidae family under the classification order Perciformes. These fish can reach a maximum size of 20.0cm and are generally found in the Oyapock river basin stretching between Amapá state, Brazil, and eastern French Guiana. The species is characterized by specific physical traits, including a relatively large dark midlateral marking and a caudal fin pattern consisting of light blotches.

Aquarium Setup

When setting up an aquarium for G. camopiensis, it is crucial to provide a soft, sandy substrate to mimic their natural browsing behavior. Coarser materials like gravel can hinder feeding and may cause health issues if ingested. Dim lighting, driftwood, scattered roots or branches, and flat rocks for potential spawning sites are recommended. Maintaining stable water conditions with a pH range of 6.0-7.5, hardness between 36-215ppm, and a temperature of 25-33°C is vital. Over-filtering the tank and conducting regular large water changes are essential to prevent health problems.


G. camopiensis is not highly aggressive but may display dominance behaviors in groups, making a hierarchy noticeable among 5-8 individuals. They tend to exist in loose aggregations except during spawning, when juveniles exhibit strong grouping instincts. It is crucial to avoid aggressive or territorial tank mates and maintain proper group sizes to prevent excessive antagonism or nervous behavior within the group.

Feeding and Diet

As benthophagous eaters, G. camopiensis feed by sifting mouthfuls of substrate to find edible items, expelling the remainder through gill openings. Their diet comprises small aquatic and terrestrial invertebrates, plant material, organic detritus, and sediment. In captivity, offering high-quality prepared foods, live or frozen bloodworms, and foods rich in vegetable matter such as Spirulina is recommended. Feeding smaller portions multiple times a day mimics their natural browsing behavior and promotes optimal growth conditions.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

These fish are substrate spawners and biparental mouthbrooders. Spawning occurs after a period of courtship, where a pair selects and defends a spawning site. The female lays eggs, fertilized by the male, and both parents guard the brood. After hatching, fry are cared for in the mouths of the parents until they are free-swimming. Mature males are slightly larger with longer finnage, and females exhibit a visible ovipositor during spawning.

Habitat and Distribution

G. camopiensis is endemic to the Oyapock river basin and the Approuage system in French Guiana. Known for its specific distribution in these regions, the species inhabits rocky substrates in rapids with pools during the dry season, typical of tropical rainforest habitats. Zoogeographically distinct from other rivers in French Guiana, these areas host unique fish species that coexist with G. camopiensis.


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