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Minimum Tank Size650 litres / 171.71 US gallons
Maximum Size20.0cm / 7.87inches
Temperature24°C / 75.20°F - 32°C / 89.60°F
Hardness1.01dgH / 18ppm - 8.01dgH / 143ppm

General Description

Geophagus Neambi, a member of the Cichlidae family and classified under Perciformes, is a peaceful species with a maximum size of 20.0cm. Often found in loose aggregations, they exhibit gregarious behavior and tend to form dominance hierarchies within a group. These fish are best housed with peaceful tankmates that share similar environmental conditions, while aggressive or territorial species should be avoided to prevent conflicts within the aquarium.

Aquarium Setup

When setting up an aquarium for Geophagus Neambi, it is crucial to provide a soft, sandy substrate to mimic their natural browsing behavior. Coarser materials should be avoided as they can hinder feeding and pose ingestion risks. Dim lighting, driftwood, scattered roots, and branches are recommended decor items. Regular water changes of 50-70% are necessary to maintain water quality, as these cichlids are sensitive to fluctuations. Over-filtering the tank and avoiding high flow rates are essential to ensure their well-being (see table).


Geophagus Neambi is known to be peaceful unless breeding, showing aggression predominantly towards smaller fishes. Juveniles tend to exhibit strong grouping instincts, forming loose aggregations even when not spawning. A group of 5-8 individuals is recommended to observe a noticeable dominance hierarchy. However, maintaining them in smaller numbers may lead to increased antagonistic behavior among group members or cause nervousness within the group.

Feeding and Diet

As benthophagous fish, Geophagus Neambi feed by sifting through substrate for edible items, termed 'eartheaters.' Their diet comprises small invertebrates, plant material, detritus, and sediment. A varied diet of high-quality prepared foods, live or frozen options like bloodworms, Tubifex, and Artemia is suitable. Additionally, offering vegetable-rich dried products is beneficial. Feeding smaller portions multiple times a day mimics their natural browsing behavior and aids in optimal growth and condition.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Geophagus Neambi is a substrate-spawning, biparental mouthbrooder. Breeding them successfully in captivity requires good nutrition and stringent maintenance practices. Courting behavior involves fin flaring, circling, and head jerking, leading to the selection of a spawning site where the female deposits rows of eggs fertilized by the male. Post-spawning, parental care varies, with females predominantly tending to the brood. Fry are free-swimming at 8-11 days, accepting powdered foods and small live prey. Sexual dimorphism is challenging to discern externally, except for the visible ovipositor in females during spawning.

Habitat and Distribution

Geophagus Neambi is believed to be endemic to the mid-to-upper rio Tocantins basin in Brazil, with sightings near Nova Xavantina, Mato Grosso state. These cichlids prefer habitats with soft substrates, scattered rocks, submerged tree roots, and leaf litter. Their foraging behavior is observed near shorelines with gentle slopes and various features like rocks and driftwood. Existing in sand banks, they are recorded alongside several other fish species in studies conducted within the rio Tocantins drainage.


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