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Minimum Tank Size650 litres / 171.71 US gallons
Maximum Size25.0cm / 9.84inches
Temperature26°C / 78.80°F - 30°C / 86.00°F
Hardness1.01dgH / 18ppm - 10.03dgH / 179ppm


Geophagus Sp. 'Orange Head' is generally peaceful, except during breeding, and does not prey on fish larger than a few millimeters. Suitable tankmates are numerous but should avoid aggressive or territorial species requiring harder water. Geophagus spp. 'Orange Head' tends to exist in loose aggregations unless spawning, forming dominance hierarchies within a group of 5-8 individuals. In smaller numbers, weaker specimens may face excessive antagonism or display nervous behavior.

Feeding and Diet

Geophagus spp. are benthophagous, sifting edible items from substrate mouthfuls. The diet should include high-quality prepared foods, live or frozen invertebrates, and a mix of vegetable matter. Feeding small portions multiple times a day encourages natural browsing behavior, promoting better growth and condition.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Geophagus spp. 'Orange Head' is a substrate-spawning, biparental mouthbrooder. Spawning is initiated with no particular trigger but requires a good diet and regular water changes. Males are more colorful, larger, and develop longer fin extensions. Some dominant males may develop a nuchal hump as they mature.

Habitat and Distribution

Geophagus Sp. 'Orange Head' originates from the acidic blackwater Arapiuns and 'white water' Tapajós rivers in Brazil. They prefer soft substrates in gently sloping marginal zones with scattered rocks, submerged tree roots, and leaf litter. These cichlids are sensi¬tive to water quality and require mature aquariums with stable parameters.

Aquarium Setup

A soft, sandy substrate is essential for natural browsing behavior. Additional decor like driftwood, branches, and rocks can be added with caution to avoid blocking filter mechanisms. Over-filtering with canister filters and regular substantial water changes are crucial to maintain water quality and prevent health issues. Suitable water parameters include a hardness of 18-179ppm, pH of 4.5-7.5, and a temperature of 26-30°C.


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