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Minimum Tank Size650 litres / 171.71 US gallons
Maximum Size20.0cm / 7.87inches
Temperature26°C / 78.80°F - 30°C / 86.00°F
Hardness0.00dgH / 0ppm - 8.01dgH / 143ppm


Geophagus Winemilleri is generally peaceful unless breeding, showing no predatory behavior towards fishes larger than a few millimeters. Suitable tankmates are numerous and include peaceful species enjoying similar environmental conditions. However, it's best to avoid aggressive or territorial substrate-dwelling species or those requiring harder water. Geophagus Winemilleri tends to exist in loose aggregations unless spawning, with juveniles displaying strong grouping instincts. It's recommended to keep a group of 5-8 individuals to avoid dominance hierarchy issues or nervous behavior. Some aquarists have successfully housed Geophagus Winemilleri alongside freshwater stingrays, although caution is advised as disappearances have been reported.

Feeding and Diet

Geophagus Winemilleri is benthophagous by nature, feeding on substrate by sifting for edible items and expelling the remaining material. Their diet consists of small invertebrates, plant material, organic detritus, and sediment. In captivity, they should be fed high-quality prepared foods, live or frozen bloodworms, Tubifex, Artemia, and mosquito larvae. Providing a variety of foods containing vegetable matter is essential for their well-being. Feeding smaller portions several times a day mimics their natural browsing behavior and promotes optimal growth and condition.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Geophagus Winemilleri is a substrate-spawning, biparental mouthbrooder that can be bred in aquariums with proper care. Spawning occurs after creating suitable conditions through good diet and maintenance. It is challenging to determine the sex of these fish accurately. Courtship includes fin flaring and other displays, leading to the selection of a spawning site where eggs are laid and fertilized. After hatching, parents share the responsibility of guarding the eggs and raising the fry. Fry are initially carried in the female's mouth before becoming free-swimming and accepting a variety of foods.

Habitat and Distribution

Geophagus Winemilleri is mainly found in southern Venezuela and likely northern Brazil. They inhabit acidic blackwater environments with low mineral content, favoring gently sloping marginal zones with soft substrates of sand or mud. Their habitat may include scattered rocks, submerged tree roots, branches, and leaf litter. Geophagus Winemilleri is common in fish markets along the mid-section of the Rio Negro. The species may be conspecific with fish traded under other names, such as G. sp. 'Río Negro I' or G. sp. 'stripetail'.

Aquarium Setup

The ideal tank setup for Geophagus Winemilleri includes a soft, sandy substrate to facilitate natural foraging behavior. Decor items such as driftwood, roots, and branches can be added, along with one or two flat rocks for potential spawning sites. Leaf litter, while common in their natural habitat, is not recommended in aquariums due to water quality concerns. Maintaining stable water conditions is crucial, with over-filtration, regular water changes, and careful attention to mechanical filtration being essential. Parameters should be monitored to keep hardness between 0-143ppm, pH from 4.0-7.0, and temperature between 26-30°C.


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