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Minimum Tank Size200 litres / 52.83 US gallons
Maximum Size30.5cm / 12.01inches
Care DescriptionModerate
Temperature23.9°C / 75.02°F - 25.6°C / 78.08°F
Carbonate Hardness14-16

General Description

The Green Texas Cichlid, also known as the Pearlscale Cichlid, is a pearly-green colored fish that can reach an impressive length of 12 inches. This species is considered to have a moderate care level and is part of the Cichlidae family. It is semi-aggressive in temperament and reaches maturity when males are around 4 inches and females around 3 inches in size.

Aquarium Setup

The Green Texas Cichlid necessitates a tank size of at least 200 litres with ample space for swimming and hiding spots. Due to their digging behavior, plants in the aquarium may be uprooted, making floating plants a more suitable option. This species is adaptable to varying water chemistry conditions and should ideally be housed with similarly aggressive fish of comparable size.


Green Texas Cichlids are known to be amiable fish, forming pairs after engaging in intense jaw-locking rituals. When breeding, they turn dark in color with a distinct triangular spot behind the pectoral fin. They are open breeders and highly prolific, with both parents actively protecting the fry once they hatch.

Feeding and Diet

Being omnivores, Green Texas Cichlids have a diverse diet, consuming prepared and frozen foods such as bloodworms, tubifex, ocean plankton, flake food, and Cichlid pellets. Their diet should be varied and include a mix of protein and vegetation to ensure optimal health.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Green Texas Cichlids are egg layers, with larvae hatching approximately four days after spawning. The fry become free-swimming within 4-6 days and are diligently guarded by both parents. However, juveniles may be susceptible to intestinal diseases and require attentive care.

Habitat and Distribution

Native to the river systems of Texas, the Green Texas Cichlid typically inhabits freshwater environments. They are found in regions with water conditions that feature a pH range of 6.9-7.1, a temperature between 23.9-25.6 degrees Celsius, and a carbonate hardness (KH) of 14-16.


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