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Minimum Tank Size145 litres / 38.30 US gallons
Maximum Size10.0cm / 3.94inches
Temperature22.2°C / 71.96°F - 28.9°C / 84.02°F

General Description

The Zebra Acara, scientifically known as Ivanacara Adoketa, was previously classified under the genus Nannacara before being repositioned into the newly established taxon Ivanacara by Römer and Hahn in 2006. This species belongs to the Cichlidae family and can reach a maximum size of 10.0cm.

Aquarium Setup

For optimal care, a minimum tank size of 145 litres is recommended. The water conditions should mimic its natural habitat, with a pH range of 4.0-5.5 and a water hardness of 0-10°dH. The temperature should be maintained between 22.2-28.9°C. Providing suitable cover and structure is essential, with options like ceramic flowerpots, plastic piping, wood roots, and branches. Natural décor elements such as dried leaf litter, beech, oak, or Ketapang almond leaves can be added for a more authentic environment. Dim lighting is preferred, and a mix of plant species like Microsorum, Taxiphyllum, Cryptocoryne, and Anubias can be included. Filtration should be gentle, with an air-powered sponge or internal power filter set to a low flow setting.


Due to its scarcity in the hobby, the focus is often on captive reproduction, preferably maintaining the Zebra Acara alone. If housed in a community tank, tankmates should be chosen carefully as this species is slow-moving with a retiring nature, easily intimidated or outcompeted for food. Peaceful characins from genera such as Hyphessobrycon, Copella, or Nannostomus, along with diminutive catfishes, make suitable companions. In smaller tanks, it is best to keep a single pair due to potential aggression and territorial behavior among males.

Feeding and Diet

Zebra Acaras are primarily predator feeders, consuming small aquatic crustaceans, worms, insect larvae, and zooplankton. Initially, they may not accept dried or prepared foods, but over time many individuals will learn to eat them. Offering daily meals of live or frozen fare like Artemia nauplii, Daphnia, grindal worm, and micro worm is recommended to enhance coloration and conditioning.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

These species are bi-parental substrate spawners, preferring to use a cave if available for breeding. They breed readily in aquarium conditions with proper management. Successful egg/embryo development occurs in soft water, with a reverse osmosis unit often necessary. Pairing is relatively straightforward, with males exhibiting distinctive black and white striped markings, while females are a uniform pink coloration, developing a darkened stripe pattern when breeding or stressed.

Habitat and Distribution

Zebra Acaras are native to Igarapé do Cumaru, an affluent of the Rio Paraná Atauí in the Amazonas state in northwestern Brazil. They are endemic to the middle and upper parts of the Negro system. Inhabiting rainforest streams during the dry season, these cichlids prefer dark, humic acid-stained waters with negligible mineral content and pH levels as low as 3.0-4.0. Their habitat undergoes significant changes during the wet season, allowing for movement into flooded forest areas for feeding and spawning.


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