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Maximum Size4.0cm / 1.57inches

General Description

Laetacara flamannellus, a Cichlid species, is distinguishable by a dark brown or black spot on its dorsal-fin base. It is part of the genus Laetacara, which includes seven species, with L. flamannellus having unique features such as an orange ring around the dorsal-fin base spot and a yellow stripe on the dorsal fin.

Aquarium Setup

For an aquarium housing Laetacara flamannellus, a setup mimicking its natural habitat is crucial. This includes shallow still water with depths ranging from 30-50 cm, vegetation like sedge-like plants, and space for swimming. The tank should be well-aerated and maintained at a temperature around 28°C/82.4°F.


These fish are known to exhibit typical Cichlid behavior and are presumed to be biparental substrate spawners, engaging in parental care for their offspring.

Feeding and Diet

In captivity, Laetacara flamannellus can be fed a varied diet consisting of high-quality flakes, pellets, live, or frozen foods. Providing a mix of protein-rich and vegetable-based foods helps maintain their health and vibrant colors.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Similar to other Laetacara species, L. flamannellus is believed to be a biparental substrate spawner. Dimorphism is observed in breeding specimens, with distinctions such as the presence of specific colorations and markings.

Habitat and Distribution

This species is native to the eastern coastal rivers of Amapá state, Brazil. It is commonly found in seasonally-inundated grasslands with shallow, still waters enriched with vegetation. Specific sympatric species found in its habitat include Rivulus schuncki and juveniles of Hoplerythrinus unitaeniatus, among others.


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