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Minimum Tank Size160 litres / 42.27 US gallons
Maximum Size15.0cm / 5.91inches
Temperature23°C / 73.40°F - 25°C / 77.00°F

General Description

The Lamprologus Congoensis, commonly known as Congo Lamprologus, is a species of cichlid characterized by its streamlined body adapted to fast-moving waters. Resembling the Steatocranus species, it exhibits physiological features such as reduced swim bladder size to prevent being swept away by currents. In aquariums, these fish display jerky movements on the substrate.

Aquarium Setup

For optimal care, a tank with a minimum capacity of 160 liters and a large footprint is essential. The setup should include a sandy substrate, smooth rock caves for hiding, and driftwood branches. Strong water flow and a well-oxygenated environment, achieved through a small powerhead or internal pump, are preferred for Lamprologus Congoensis. Specific water conditions range from a pH of 6.0-7.5, hardness of 5-15 dH, and a temperature of 23-25°C (see table for more details).


Congo Lamprologus are territorial and aggressive, particularly towards conspecific males. They can be housed with similar species like Alestiid tetras, some characins, barbs, and specific Synodontis species when provided with ample space. Combining multiple males necessitates a spacious tank with numerous hiding spots. Female fish can coexist peacefully in a group.

Feeding and Diet

These cichlids readily accept various foods but prefer live and frozen options as staples. A diet rich in live and frozen varieties ensures their nutritional needs are met appropriately.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Lamprologus Congoensis is a polygamous cave spawner with a unique breeding behavior. Ideal water parameters for reproduction include temperatures of 75-77°F and a pH of 6.5-7.0. Adult males, distinguished by their larger size, vibrant colors, and nuchal hump, court females who defend caves during spawning. Females lay up to 80 eggs in caves, where the male guards the entire harem until fry emerge.

Habitat and Distribution

Native to the fast-moving waters of the Congo River in areas like the Republic of Congo and the Democratic Republic of Congo, Lamprologus Congoensis thrives in habitats with high oxygen levels. Its distribution includes regions such as the Upper Congo, Matadi, Stanley Pool, and Stanley Falls.


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