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Minimum Tank Size70 litres / 18.49 US gallons
Maximum Size8.0cm / 3.15inches
Temperature23°C / 73.40°F - 27°C / 80.60°F

General Description

The Ocellated Shell-Dweller (Lamprologus kungweensis) is a species of cichlid characterized by its distinguishable gold coloration on the top of the eye and a black spot towards the back of the dorsal fin. Endemic to Lake Tanganyika, specifically found in Kungwe Bay near Kigoma on the lake's northeastern shore, this species is not commonly seen in the aquarium hobby due to its restricted distribution.

Aquarium Setup

To house the Ocellated Shell-Dweller, a tank size of at least 70 liters is recommended. The ideal tank setup includes large open areas of sandy substrate with a depth of at least 2 inches for digging, and a generous supply of empty snail shells for the fish to inhabit. Water conditions should be maintained with a pH range of 7.5-9.0, a temperature between 23-27°C, and hardness between 10-25°dH.


This species exhibits territorial behavior, fiercely defending its shell and the surrounding small territory. It can coexist with other species that occupy different zones within the aquarium, forming a colony if kept in sufficient numbers. Maintaining a colony requires ensuring an ample supply of shells and preferably more females than males to reduce male aggression.

Feeding and Diet

The Ocellated Shell-Dweller's diet primarily comprises live and frozen food varieties. While they may occasionally reject dried foods, offering a varied diet rich in live and frozen options is essential for their health and well-being.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Breeding the Ocellated Shell-Dweller is relatively straightforward as they are shell brooders. To successfully breed this species, providing a separate aquarium with an abundance of snail shells is recommended. Mating pairs will form weak bonds until the fry are self-sufficient. Sexual dimorphism can be challenging, with males slightly larger and potentially displaying more coloration than females.

Habitat and Distribution

Inhabiting areas with scattered rocks and open sand along the shore of Kungwe Bay, Lake Tanganyika, the Ocellated Shell-Dweller is a species limited to this specific location in nature. Maintaining an environment similar to its natural habitat in captivity is crucial for the well-being and reproductive success of this species.


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