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Minimum Tank Size110 litres / 29.06 US gallons
Maximum Size13.5cm / 5.31inches
Temperature24°C / 75.20°F - 27°C / 80.60°F

General Description

There is some taxonomic confusion surrounding Lestradea Perspicax in relation to its congener L. stappersi, previously considered a subspecies but now a distinct species. L. Perspicax, reaching up to 13.5 cm, is primarily found in the northern region of Lake Tanganyika. It prefers shallow waters with sandy substrates.

Aquarium Setup

For L. Perspicax, a tank size of at least 110 litres is recommended, maintaining water conditions at a pH of 7.8-9.0, hardness of 8-25°dH, and temperature between 24-27°C. The aquarium should feature large rock formations creating caves, open swimming spaces, and a sandy substrate ideal for the species to sift through in search of food.


L. Perspicax demonstrates a peaceful demeanor and is best housed with non-aggressive species like Julidochromis, Neolamprologus, and Xenotilapia. Avoid pairing with boisterous fish such as Mbuna to prevent potential conflicts in the aquarium.

Feeding and Diet

In captivity, L. Perspicax readily accepts various food types, with live and frozen options making up the majority of its diet. Offering a diverse diet ensures the fish's nutritional needs are met adequately.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Although breeding is uncommon in captivity, L. Perspicax is known to be a maternal mouthbrooder in its natural habitat. Differentiating between sexes can be challenging, with males slightly larger than females and sporting two distinct lines on their dorsal fin compared to the females' single line.

Habitat and Distribution

Endemic to the shores of Lake Tanganyika, L. Perspicax thrives in sandy substrate environments with a preference for shallow waters. Lacking prominent visibility in the hobby, this species adds to the unique biodiversity of its natural habitat.


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