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Minimum Tank Size160 litres / 42.27 US gallons
Maximum Size13.5cm / 5.31inches
Temperature24°C / 75.20°F - 28°C / 82.40°F

General Description

The Maylandia Greshakei, also known as the Red Top Ice Blue Zebra, was previously classified under Pseudotropheus greshakei and Metriaclima greshakei. It is part of the cichlid family and can grow up to 13.5cm in size. This species hails from Lake Malawi, specifically around Makokola in the southeastern region, and is endemic to that area. An albino variant of this fish can occasionally be found in aquariums.

Aquarium Setup

When setting up an aquarium for the Maylandia Greshakei, it is essential to have a tank size of at least 160 litres. The tank should mimic the natural habitat of the species, with piles of rocks forming caves and small open water areas in between. A sandy substrate is recommended, and plants should be avoided as they can be consumed. Water conditions should ideally be a pH of 7.6-8.8, a temperature of 24-28°C, and a hardness of 10-25°dH.


This species is known to be aggressive and territorial, necessitating caution when selecting tankmates. They should not be housed with peaceful species like Peacocks or Utaka but can coexist with other Mbuna. To mitigate aggression and territorial behavior, tanks should be overcrowded, and maintaining a ratio of several females per male is advised to reduce male harassment. Introducing heterospecifics can help diffuse aggression within the species.

Feeding and Diet

Maylandia Greshakei are omnivores and readily accept a variety of foods. Their diet should consist mainly of vegetable matter such as spirulina flakes and blanched spinach. This can be supplemented with live and frozen food varieties to ensure a balanced diet.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Breeding Maylandia Greshakei is possible in captivity, with the species being maternal mouthbrooders. To promote breeding, a species tank with one male and at least three females is recommended. The male will display vibrant colors around a chosen spawning site to attract females. Females lay eggs at this site, after which the male fertilizes them. The female then carries the fertilized eggs in her mouth until they hatch into fry. Males exhibit more colorful features than females.

Habitat and Distribution

In its natural habitat, Maylandia Greshakei inhabits the upper regions of rocky reefs close to open water bodies. They primarily feed on phytoplankton. Endemic to Lake Malawi, this species is specifically found around Makokola in the southeastern part of the lake.


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