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Minimum Tank Size200 litres / 52.83 US gallons
Maximum Size12.0cm / 4.72inches
Temperature24°C / 75.20°F - 28°C / 82.40°F

General Description

Melanochromis Chipokae, also known as "Pike Auratus," belongs to the Melanochromis group and is characterized by its predatory nature, feeding on fry, crustaceans, and algae. It can be distinguished by its pointed mouth, unlike the rounded mouth of M. auratus. This species has a striped patterning that extends through the entire caudal fin. Found in Lake Malawi, particularly around Chindunga Rocks by Chipoka Island, it thrives in areas with sandy bottoms and scattered rocks.

Aquarium Setup

For a Melanochromis Chipokae, a tank of at least 200 liters is recommended. Setting up the aquarium involves creating caves and hiding spots with rocks, leaving open spaces of sandy substrate. Water conditions should include a pH range of 7.6-8.8, a temperature between 24-28°C, and water hardness of 10-25°dH. The setup should be well-oxygenated to support the species' needs (see table).


Known as one of the most aggressive and territorial mbuna, male Melanochromis Chipokae often dominate community tanks. They should not be housed with peaceful species but can coexist with robust mbuna of similar size that do not have comparable patterning. Chipokae's aggression is reduced in crowded tanks, which should be the last species added to an aquarium. To prevent excessive aggression, heterospecifics are recommended for tank mates. In larger tanks, multiple males may be kept, but subdominant males are at risk of being killed.

Feeding and Diet

Melanochromis Chipokae accepts a varied diet comprising live, frozen, and high-quality dried foods. Supplementing with vegetable matter like spirulina flakes and blanched spinach is beneficial for their nutrition. Being opportunistic feeders, they readily consume most food offerings.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Reproduction in Melanochromis Chipokae is challenging due to their violent nature. They are maternal mouthbrooders, typically spawning in harems with a male and several females. The male exhibits intense colors and courts females around a spawning site. Females carry 20-40 eggs for about three weeks before releasing free-swimming fry. Males differ significantly from the golden females and subdominant males, displaying a striking black and blue coloration when mature.

Habitat and Distribution

Endemic to Lake Malawi, Melanochromis Chipokae inhabits intermediate areas with sandy substrates and scattered rocks around reefs. Specifically, they are found in the southwestern region of Lake Malawi, near Chindunga Rocks close to Chipoka Island. Keeping these factors in mind is crucial for replicating their natural habitat in captivity.


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