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Minimum Tank Size160 litres / 42.27 US gallons
Maximum Size12.0cm / 4.72inches
Temperature23°C / 73.40°F - 27°C / 80.60°F

General Description
Melanochromis Johanni, commonly known as the "electric blue johanni," belongs to the Cichlidae family and can grow up to 12.0 cm in size. This species exhibits a distinctive sexual dimorphism with males displaying a blue-black coloration and bright blue striping, while females are orange in color.

Aquarium Setup
For these cichlids, it is recommended to have a minimum tank size of 160 liters. The aquarium setup should include rocks forming caves with open water spaces in between, a sandy substrate, and well-oxygenated water. Avoid using plants as they tend to be consumed by the fish. Specific water conditions with a pH range of 7.6-8.8, water hardness of 10-25°dH, and a temperature range of 23-27°C should be maintained (see table).

Melanochromis Johanni can display aggression, although not as prominently as other Melanochromis species. They can coexist with similarly-sized mbuna and even peaceful species such as Aulonocara or Neolamprologus. To reduce aggression and territory disputes, it is recommended to keep them in an overcrowded tank, especially in a mbuna community. Male fish are territorial towards conspecifics, requiring a large tank if more than one male is housed, with several females per male.

Feeding and Diet
These fish readily accept various foods but should predominantly be fed with vegetable matter like spirulina flakes and blanched spinach. Their diet can also be supplemented with live and frozen varieties.

Reproduction & Dimorphism
Melanochromis Johanni follows maternal mouthbrooding for reproduction. A species tank with one male and at least three females is recommended for breeding. The male fish will display intense coloration and behavior to attract females for mating. Females pick up fertilized eggs in their mouths and carry them for about three weeks before releasing the fry. Males exhibit egg-shaped spots, which attract females during mating. The species displays significant sexual dimorphism with distinct color variations between males and females.

Habitat and Distribution
Endemic to Lake Malawi, Melanochromis Johanni is commonly found around Masinje Rocks and Cape Ngombo. Its natural habitat includes rocky coastal areas in relatively shallow waters.


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