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Minimum Tank Size160 litres / 42.27 US gallons
Maximum Size12.0cm / 4.72inches
Temperature24°C / 75.20°F - 28°C / 82.40°F

General Description

Melanochromis lepidiadaptes, commonly known as Lepidiadaptes, is a species of cichlid endemic to Lake Malawi. This fish species exhibits an opportunistic lifestyle, primarily feeding on scales of other fish in its natural habitat. Reaching a maximum size of 12.0cm, the Lepidiadaptes prefers rocky areas around the coastline of Lake Malawi.

Aquarium Setup

For optimal care, a minimum tank size of 160 litres is recommended. The aquarium setup should mimic a Lake Malawi biotope, with rocks arranged to create caves and provide hiding spots. A sandy substrate is ideal, and the water conditions should be maintained at a pH of 7.6-8.8, hardness of 8-25°dH, and a temperature range of 24-28°C.


Although generally peaceful within hard water communities, the Lepidiadaptes can become territorial during spawning. It is advisable to keep multiple females for each male to reduce aggression. This species can coexist with other cichlids of similar size and disposition, as well as hard water rainbowfish and some Cyprinids. In a mbuna community, overcrowding the tank can help minimize aggression and territory formation.

Feeding and Diet

Melanochromis lepidiadaptes is an omnivorous species that accepts a varied diet of live, frozen, and high-quality dried foods. Supplementing their diet with vegetable matter such as spirulina flakes and blanched spinach is recommended for optimal health.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Reproduction in Lepidiadaptes is possible, with females being maternal mouthbrooders. To encourage breeding, a species tank with one male and at least three females is recommended. The male displays intense colors to attract females and can be aggressive in his pursuit. Adult males are larger and more brightly colored than females. The female carries the fertilized eggs in her mouth for up to 3-4 weeks before releasing the fry.

Habitat and Distribution

This species is only found in a limited area around Makanjila Point on the eastern side of Lake Malawi. In its natural habitat, Lepidiadaptes inhabits rocky areas along the coastline, where it exhibits its unique feeding behavior of consuming scales of other fish.


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