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Minimum Tank Size140 litres / 36.98 US gallons
Maximum Size10.0cm / 3.94inches
Temperature26°C / 78.80°F - 30°C / 86.00°F

General Description

There is a debate surrounding the Mesonauta insignis species, with some confusion suggesting it may actually be the fish known as the Flag cichlid. These fish closely resemble each other, and depending on the region of origin, they might be sold under the same name. Mesonauta insignis belongs to the Cichlidae family and typically grows up to 10.0cm in size. Their natural habitat includes well-planted rivers in South America, specifically in the Orinoco and Negro drainages of Brazil and Venezuela.

Aquarium Setup

For keeping Mesonauta insignis in captivity, a minimum tank size of 140 litres is required. The tank should be well planted with a moderate water flow and include bogwood and branches for decor. A sandy substrate is preferred, and it is advisable to ensure that lighting is not too intense. Water parameters should be monitored, with a pH range of 6.2-7.0, water hardness between 0-20 degrees dH, and a temperature maintained at 26-30 degrees Celsius.


Mesonauta insignis is generally a peaceful cichlid species, displaying increased aggression during the breeding period. They can coexist with other calm cichlids like geophagus and apistogramma, as well as with peaceful community species such as tetras, barbs, and small catfish.

Feeding and Diet

Being omnivorous, Mesonauta insignis has a varied diet. They readily consume most dried foods like cichlid pellets and benefit from supplementation with live or frozen options such as bloodworms and brine shrimp. Additionally, offering vegetable matter like algae wafers, spirulina, or blanched greens is recommended to ensure a balanced diet.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Breeding of Mesonauta insignis typically occurs on flat stones or similar surfaces within the aquarium. The female deposits over 200 eggs, which are then fertilized by the male. Both parents guard the eggs and care for the fry until they become free-swimming, which usually takes 3-4 days post-hatching. Male Mesonauta insignis are larger than females and exhibit extensions on their dorsal and anal fins.

Habitat and Distribution

In their natural habitat, Mesonauta insignis can be found in well-planted rivers within the Orinoco and Negro drainages of Brazil and Venezuela. These habitats provide the necessary conditions for their survival and reproduction, reflecting their adaptation to tropical freshwater environments.


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