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Minimum Tank Size200 litres / 52.83 US gallons
Maximum Size15.2cm / 5.98inches
Care DescriptionEasy
Temperature24.4°C / 75.92°F - 27.8°C / 82.04°F
Carbonate Hardness10-15

General Description

The Kenyi Cichlid, scientifically known as Metriaclima lombardoi, is a medium-sized fish native to the rocky shores of Lake Malawi in Africa. This species displays sexual dimorphism, with females exhibiting a blue coloration adorned with black bars, while males develop a vibrant yellow hue as they mature. With an aggressive temperament, this cichlid can reach a maximum size of 15.2 cm and is ideally housed in a 50-gallon or larger aquarium.

Aquarium Setup

Creating an aquarium setup suitable for Kenyi Cichlids involves providing ample hiding spots in the form of rocks and caves to accommodate their territorial behavior. A tank size of at least 200 litres, alongside decorations mimicking their natural rocky habitat, is recommended. Water conditions should ideally maintain a pH range of 7.8-8.6, a temperature between 24.4-27.8°C, and a hardness level (KH) of 10-15.


Known for their aggressive nature, Kenyi Cichlids are territorial fish that may exhibit dominance within the aquarium environment. It is essential to monitor their interactions with other tank mates to prevent aggression and ensure a harmonious community.

Feeding and Diet

As herbivores, Kenyi Cichlids thrive on a diet rich in vegetable-based foods. Offering a variety of quality vegetable-based flakes, algae, and specially formulated African Cichlid foods is essential for their nutritional well-being. Additionally, feeding the fry a combination of baby brine shrimp and finely ground flake food is recommended.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Reproduction in Kenyi Cichlids is relatively easy compared to other cichlid species. The male reaches sexual maturity when it achieves its full yellow coloration. These fish are mouthbrooders, with the female releasing the fry from her mouth about three weeks after fertilization. Understanding the mating behaviors and providing adequate care for the fry is crucial for successful breeding.

Habitat and Distribution

Kenyi Cichlids are indigenous to the rocky shores of Lake Malawi in Africa. In their natural habitat, they prefer areas with ample rocky structures and caves where they can establish territories and seek shelter. Understanding their natural environment can aid in replicating suitable conditions within the aquarium for their overall well-being and behavioral needs.


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