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Minimum Tank Size540 litres / 142.65 US gallons
Maximum Size26.0cm / 10.24inches
Temperature24°C / 75.20°F - 28°C / 82.40°F

General Description

The Haplochromis Yellow-Black Line, scientifically known as Mylochromis Melanonotus, is a species of cichlid that is endemic to Lake Malawi. It possesses a shovel-like lower jaw in some individuals, which led to taxonomic confusion in the past but is now clarified. This species can grow up to 26.0cm in size and is rarely imported, resulting in limited available information on its captive care.

Aquarium Setup

For optimal care, a tank size of at least 540 litres is recommended. The tank should be set up with piles of rocks to create caves and hiding spots, providing open spaces for swimming. A sandy substrate is crucial as these fish sift through it for food, preventing potential harm from gravel ingestion. Water conditions should be maintained with a hardness of 10-25°dH, a pH range of 7.6-8.8, and a temperature between 24-28°C (see table).


Being piscivorous, the Haplochromis Yellow-Black Line feeds on small fish and should not be housed with mbuna species. While not highly aggressive towards larger tankmates, it may show territorial behavior towards males of its own species. Male-female groupings are recommended, with one male per aquarium to avoid conflicts.

Feeding and Diet

This cichlid species benefits from a varied diet consisting of meaty live and frozen foods along with high-quality cichlid pellets. Providing a diverse diet helps replicate their natural feeding habits and ensures nutritional balance in captivity.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

In their natural habitat, Mylochromis Melanonotus exhibits maternal mouthbrooding behavior during breeding. Males create and defend large pits for spawning, with females leaving the male's territory after spawning. Male individuals are more colorful than females, showcasing sexual dimorphism in this species.

Habitat and Distribution

Mylochromis Melanonotus primarily inhabits areas with sandy substrates in deeper waters of Lake Malawi. They are also commonly found around intermediate shoreline regions where scattered rocks are present over sandy bottoms. Endemic to Lake Malawi, this species has a broad distribution within the lake, reflecting its adaptability to various environments within its natural habitat.


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