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Minimum Tank Size55 litres / 14.53 US gallons
Maximum Size8.0cm / 3.15inches
Temperature24°C / 75.20°F - 27°C / 80.60°F

General Description

Nanochromis nudiceps, commonly known as the Nanochromis Cichlid, is a species that is rarely imported due to its specific care requirements. It can be distinguished from similar species by the lack of barring in male fish's upper caudal fin and dark-edged scales on the body. This cichlid species is not recommended for beginners due to its need for soft and acidic water conditions.

Aquarium Setup

The optimal tank setup for N. nudiceps includes providing hiding spots like clay pot caves, rocks, roots, and driftwood. While plants are not necessary, they offer additional coverage. A sandy substrate is preferable as these cichlids enjoy digging. Filtration through peat is beneficial to mimic their natural habitat conditions.


N. nudiceps is relatively peaceful with compatible tankmates that can tolerate the required soft and acidic water conditions. It is recommended to keep them in pairs as they can exhibit aggressiveness towards conspecifics. Larger tanks are necessary for multiple pairs, with an advised territory size of approximately 24” x 12” per pair.

Feeding and Diet

In captivity, N. nudiceps will accept various foods but should primarily be fed live and frozen varieties. Offering a varied diet is crucial to their nutritional needs and overall well-being.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Breeding N. nudiceps is challenging as they require water with a pH below 6.5. These cichlids are bi-parental cave spawners, with successful breeding necessitating very soft, acidic water and specific temperatures. Females display more vibrant coloring, including a violet belly, while males typically develop small fin extensions.

Habitat and Distribution

This species is native to the Democratic Republic of Congo, specifically within the Cuvette Centrale region. Information regarding its natural habitat is currently not available.


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