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Minimum Tank Size55 litres / 14.53 US gallons
Maximum Size8.0cm / 3.15inches
Temperature22°C / 71.60°F - 25°C / 77.00°F

General Description

Nanochromis parilus, commonly known as N. parilus, is a species within the Cichlidae family. It is one of the more commonly found Nanochromis in the aquarium hobby, recognizable by its distinguishing features compared to other species within the genus. This species is native to the Democratic Republic of Congo and typically inhabits slow-moving areas of streams, requiring very specific water conditions for its well-being and breeding success.

Aquarium Setup

When setting up an aquarium for N. parilus, it is crucial to provide plenty of hiding spots such as clay pot caves, rocks, roots, and driftwood. While plants are not mandatory, they can offer additional coverage for the fish. A sandy substrate is recommended as these cichlids have a propensity for digging. Filtration through peat can be beneficial to maintain the required soft and acidic water conditions within the parameters of a pH range of 6.0-7.0 and a temperature between 22-25°C.


N. parilus displays a relatively peaceful demeanor towards tankmates that can tolerate the soft and acidic water prerequisites needed by this species. It is recommended to keep this cichlid with smaller Alestiid tetras, certain South American tetras, and other dwarf cichlids like the Pelvicachromis species. However, N. parilus can exhibit aggression towards its conspecifics, emphasizing the importance of housing them in pairs due to their territorial nature. For multiple pairs, a larger tank size with designated territories is essential.

Feeding and Diet

These cichlids are generally accepting of various foods offered, but a diet primarily consisting of live and frozen varieties is ideal for their nutrition. Providing a diverse diet is crucial for their overall health and vitality within an aquarium environment.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Breeding N. parilus can be challenging as they require very soft and acidic water conditions with a pH value below 6.5 for successful spawning. They are bi-parental cave spawners, establishing territories under rocks or driftwood for breeding. During courtship, females exhibit a more vibrant coloration with a violet belly, while adult males are larger and may develop fin extensions. The breeding pair engages in brood care, with the fry needing special attention to water conditions for survival.

Habitat and Distribution

In their natural habitat of slow-moving stream areas in the Democratic Republic of Congo, N. parilus thrives in specific water conditions and relies on the availability of hiding spots for shelter and breeding. Understanding their native environment is crucial for successfully replicating these conditions in an aquarium setting to ensure the well-being and breeding success of this species.


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