Fresh Water
Neolamprologus Pulcher

Neolamprologus Pulcher

Perciformes Print

Family: Cichlidae
Synonym Names: Lamprologus savoryi elongatus Trewavas & Poll, Lamprologus elongatus Trewavas & Poll, Lamprologus brichardi Poll, Neolamprologus brichardi Poll
Classification Order: Perciformes

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Minimum Tank Size120 litres / 31.70 US gallons
Maximum Size9.0cm / 3.54inches
Temperature23°C / 73.40°F - 27°C / 80.60°F
Hardness9.02dgH / 161ppm - 25.04dgH / 447ppm

General Description

Known as the Brichardi, Neolamprologus pulcher is also referred to as the Fairy Cichlid, Lyretail Cichlid, and Princess of Burundi. Belonging to the Cichlidae family under the Perciformes classification order, this species is among the most popular Tanganyikan cichlids in the aquarium hobby. It comes in various color morphs, with an occasional albino variant. The Brichardi is a small fish, reaching a maximum size of 9.0cm, and it is endemic to Lake Tanganyika, particularly found in rocky shoreline habitats.

Aquarium Setup

For successful maintenance, it is advisable to keep Neolamprologus pulcher in a species tank due to its territorial nature, especially when protecting fry. It can coexist with other small to medium-sized Tanganyikan cichlids in larger setups, like Cyprichromis or shell-dwelling species. Suitable tank conditions include a Lake Tanganyika biotope setup with rocky caves and a sandy substrate. Water parameters should be maintained at a temperature of 23-27°C, pH of 8-9, and hardness of 161-447 ppm (see table).


Neolamprologus pulcher displays aggressive territorial behavior, particularly when safeguarding its fry. In its natural habitat, it forms large shoals exhibiting altruistic behavior towards spawning pairs and young fish. In the aquarium, it pairs off to spawn, with the female laying eggs in a cave while the male guards the area. Successful breeding requires the presence of a bonded adult pair or a group of young individuals that will eventually form pairs.

Feeding and Diet

The Brichardi should mainly be fed live and frozen foods, with dried foods as occasional supplements. Including vegetable matter like spirulina or blanched spinach is also beneficial for their diet. The fry are large enough to consume brine shrimp nauplii from birth, but their growth rate is relatively slow.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Neolamprologus pulcher is a substrate spawner, laying eggs on rocky cave surfaces. The female tends to the eggs while the male defends the breeding site. After hatching, the fry become free-swimming and receive parental care from the group, ensuring their safety. Adult males typically grow slightly larger and develop longer extensions in their dorsal and caudal fins compared to females.

Habitat and Distribution

Endemic to Lake Tanganyika, Neolamprologus pulcher is widely distributed across the lake, with its type locality in Kasanga, southwestern Tanzania. It thrives in areas along the shoreline characterized by rocky substrates, where it seeks shelter in caves and crevices.


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