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Minimum Tank Size110 litres / 29.06 US gallons
Maximum Size15.0cm / 5.91inches
Temperature23°C / 73.40°F - 27°C / 80.60°F

General Description

The Five-Barred Lamprologus, scientifically known as Neolamprologus Tretocephalus, is a species of cichlid endemic to Lake Tanganyika. It is identifiable by having only five vertical bars on its flanks, distinguishing it from similar species. This aggressive cichlid is not recommended for general Tanganyikan community tanks due to its territorial behavior, especially during breeding.

Aquarium Setup

When setting up an aquarium for the Five-Barred Lamprologus, a minimum tank size of 110 litres is advised. The tank should have piles of rocks arranged to create caves with open water spaces in between, a sandy substrate, and efficient filtration due to their carnivorous diet. For optimal compatibility, it can be housed with medium-sized Tanganyikan cichlids that occupy different tank areas, such as Cyprichromis species or other rock dwellers like Julidochromis and Altolamprologus if provided with ample territories. Keeping only a single pair is recommended due to their aggressive nature towards conspecifics.


This species exhibits aggressive and territorial behavior, particularly towards conspecifics. While it can coexist with other medium-sized Tanganyikan cichlids that occupy different tank regions, caution is advised in selecting tankmates. Additionally, Five-Barred Lamprologus are bi-parental cave spawners and may display aggression, especially during breeding.

Feeding and Diet

For optimal health, a varied diet comprising meaty live and frozen foods, along with high-quality cichlid pellets, is recommended for the Five-Barred Lamprologus. Ensuring a balanced diet helps sustain their energetic nature and supports their carnivorous feeding habits.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Reproduction in aquaria is possible but occurs infrequently. Pair formation may take a year or longer, and once established, the pair should be segregated from other fish to prevent aggression. Breeding requires specific conditions, including a pH range of 8.2-9.0 and a temperature of 77-80°F. Sexual dimorphism is challenging, with adult males generally growing larger than females.

Habitat and Distribution

In their natural habitat, Five-Barred Lamprologus are commonly found in relatively shallow waters of Lake Tanganyika. They inhabit rocky areas and intermediate zones with scattered rocks over sandy bottoms, reflecting their preference for structured environments.


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