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Minimum Tank Size170 litres / 44.91 US gallons
Maximum Size15.0cm / 5.91inches
Temperature23°C / 73.40°F - 27°C / 80.60°F

General Description:

The Ophthalmotilapia Boops is a species of cichlid that was the first to be classified within the genus Ophthalmotilapia. Endemic to Lake Tanganyika, specifically along the southern Tanzanian coastline, these cichlids can grow up to 15.0cm in size.

Aquarium Setup:

To house Ophthalmotilapia Boops, a minimum tank size of 170 litres is recommended. The tank should feature scattered rock formations forming caves, with open water spaces. A sandy substrate and strong biological filtration system are crucial. While vegetation like Anubias or Vallisneria can be added, they are not essential.


Being relatively boisterous, these cichlids need ample space. They should be the dominant species in the tank to prevent them from becoming withdrawn, especially as male fish may lose color if not dominant. They are aggressive towards other males, so it's advisable to keep a single male with multiple females in a sizable tank. Peaceful species like Cyprichromis sp. and Altolamprologus sp. make suitable tankmates.

Feeding and Diet:

Ophthalmotilapia Boops will consume most foods but should avoid high-protein options. It's essential to include vegetable matter like blanched spinach or spirulina in their diet for optimal health.

Reproduction & Dimorphism:

Reproduction is possible for this species, with females being maternal mouthbrooders. The ideal setup includes a large tank with sandy substrate for spawning. Female fish can carry up to 60 eggs for around three weeks before releasing free-swimming fry. Sexual dimorphism is evident, with males being larger, more colorful, and having longer fins than females.

Habitat and Distribution:

In their natural habitat, Ophthalmotilapia Boops reside on rocky drop-offs and slopes within Lake Tanganyika. Their distribution is limited to the southern Tanzanian coastline. The species thrives in water conditions with a hardness of 8-25°dH, pH range of 7.5-9.0, and a temperature of 23-27°C.


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