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Minimum Tank Size760 litres / 200.77 US gallons
Maximum Size60.0cm / 23.62inches
Temperature20°C / 68.00°F - 28°C / 82.40°F

General Description

The Nile Tilapia, scientifically known as Oreochromis Niloticus Niloticus, is a highly invasive and economically significant fish species. It is widely bred for consumption, often crossed with other Oreochromis species to enhance coloration. Known for its adaptability, this fish can survive in a broad temperature range and varied water conditions, earning it the nickname “aquatic dustbin” due to its omnivorous diet and prolific breeding habits. Despite its hardiness, this species is not commonly kept in aquariums due to its large size, messy nature, and lack of compelling behaviors.

Aquarium Setup

For housing a Nile Tilapia, a substantial tank size of at least 760 litres is necessary. The setup should include a sandy substrate, as plants may be consumed. Due to the species' messy nature, a robust filtration system is essential. Besides these requirements, the tank decor can be tailored to personal preference. (See table for specific water conditions).


Nile Tilapias are generally peaceful except during spawning, when they exhibit territorial behaviors. In a community tank, they require ample space due to their territorial nature, making them compatible with large African and Central American cichlids, Loricariids, and Synodontis species. While they may quarrel among themselves when kept with conspecifics, significant harm is rare unless breeding occurs.

Feeding and Diet

These fish are not picky eaters and will consume a variety of offered foods. It is recommended to include some vegetable matter in their diet to ensure balanced nutrition.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Reproducing Nile Tilapias is relatively easy as they are maternal mouthbrooders. A large tank is essential for breeding, with recommended water parameters of 75°F temperature and around 7.0 pH. Male fish develop pointed dorsal and anal fins, while females have rounded fins. The female will carry the brood for 5-7 days before releasing free-swimming fry, exhibiting attentive broodcare for an additional 2-3 weeks.

Habitat and Distribution

Nile Tilapias are found in a wide range of habitats, including rivers, streams, ponds, lakes, and coastal plains, thriving in both fresh and brackish waters. Their native range spans countries like Egypt, Ghana, Nigeria, and Uganda. Additionally, they have been introduced as a food source in over 70 countries, leading to escaped or released populations worldwide.


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