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Minimum Tank Size160 litres / 42.27 US gallons
Maximum Size12.0cm / 4.72inches
Temperature22°C / 71.60°F - 27°C / 80.60°F

General Description

Orthochromis Stormsi, previously classified as Schwetzochromis stormsi, is a cichlid species known for its unique swim bladder adaptation, making it less buoyant in strong currents. This species, which spends most of its time on the tank substrate, exhibits a distinctive hopping swimming style and is relatively uncommon in the aquarium trade. With a maximum size of 12.0cm, it requires a minimum tank size of 160 liters to thrive.

Aquarium Setup

To set up an aquarium for O. stormsi, a spacious layout with a large footprint is essential. It is recommended to include a sandy substrate, smooth rocks formed into caves for hiding, and driftwood branches for additional shelter. This species prefers relatively strong water flow, so incorporating a small powerhead or internal pump is beneficial. Maintaining well-oxygenated water within the parameters of 5-15°dH hardness, pH 6.5-7.5, and a temperature range of 22-27°C is crucial (see table for details).


Known for its territorial nature, O. stormsi displays peaceful behavior towards other species but can be aggressive among its kind. It establishes territories and allows limited intrusion only during spawning. While it can be kept in groups in larger tanks, maintaining a single male with multiple females is advisable to manage territorial conflicts.

Feeding and Diet

O. stormsi readily accepts a variety of food but thrives on a diet primarily consisting of live and frozen offerings. Ensuring a balanced diet rich in these forms of nutrition supports the overall health and vitality of this cichlid species.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Reproduction of O. stormsi is challenging but achievable. This species follows a maternal mouthbrooding strategy and is best bred in a harem setting with one male and multiple females. Distinguishing males from females becomes easier as males develop vibrant colors and slightly larger sizes. Successful breeding involves careful monitoring and potential intervention to safeguard the fry from predation.

Habitat and Distribution

Natively found in the Democratic Republic of Congo, specifically in the Lake Mweru area of Stanley Pool within the Congo River, O. stormsi thrives in fast-moving waters with high oxygen content. replicating these conditions in their tank environment helps maintain their natural habitat preferences.


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