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Minimum Tank Size200 litres / 52.83 US gallons
Maximum Size11.0cm / 4.33inches
Temperature24°C / 75.20°F - 27°C / 80.60°F

General Description

Paracyprichromis nigripinnis, commonly known as the P. nigripinnis, is a species of cichlid found in Lake Tanganyika. They can grow up to a maximum size of 11.0cm and are best kept in a group with peaceful tankmates. In terms of appearance, male P. nigripinnis have larger eyes and a slightly rounder, stockier body shape compared to females.

Aquarium Setup

For optimal care, a tank of at least 200 litres is recommended for a group of at least 8 P. nigripinnis. The setup should include ample swimming space with piles of rocks arranged to form caves and overhangs. Subdued lighting is ideal to showcase the fish's vibrant coloration.


P. nigripinnis is a peaceful species that forms loose shoals in the wild. They tend to establish territories under overhangs or against rock walls. Bright lighting or boisterous tankmates can dull their coloration, making a species tank or compatible companions like Julidochromis and Neolamprologus preferable.

Feeding and Diet

These cichlids are zooplankton feeders in the wild and should primarily be offered live and frozen foods in captivity. They have small mouths and will accept a variety of food types, but ensure they are adequately fed to maintain their health.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Breeding P. nigripinnis is possible but rarely achieved in captivity. They are polygamous maternal mouthbrooders, with spawning occurring in territories in caves. Males are typically larger, more colorful, and develop longer caudal extensions compared to females. Breeding setups should mimic their natural habitat with large caves and a pH of 8.0-9.0.

Habitat and Distribution

Endemic to Lake Tanganyika, P. nigripinnis inhabits relatively deep waters. Female fish are often found in open water near rocky substrates, while males prefer rocky overhangs or caves. In the wild, they thrive in specific water conditions with a hardness of 8-25°dH, a pH of 7.5-9.0, and a temperature range of 24-27°C.


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