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Minimum Tank Size200 litres / 52.83 US gallons
Maximum Size20.0cm / 7.87inches
Temperature24°C / 75.20°F - 28°C / 82.40°F

General Description

The Placidochromis Electra, commonly known as the Deepwater Hap, was initially believed to inhabit much deeper waters, although it is found above sandy bottoms in regions around Likoma Island, Mara Point, and parts of Lake Malawi. Endemic to Lake Malawi, this species showcases various color forms, emphasizing the need to avoid crossbreeding within aquaria due to the possibility of hybridization. With a maximum size of 20.0cm, it requires a tank size of at least 200 litres and prefers areas of deeper water above sandy substrates.

Aquarium Setup

The ideal aquarium setup for Placidochromis Electra includes piles of rocks fashioned into caves to provide hiding spots while leaving open areas of sandy substrate. Although not obligatory, plants can be added as they are generally left undisturbed by the fish. Water conditions should maintain a hardness of 10-25°dH, a pH range of 7.6-8.8, and a temperature between 24-28°C.


This species exhibits a gentle demeanor and is not well-suited for crowded environments typical of mbuna communities. It thrives when housed alongside peaceful Malawi species like Aulonocara and Copadichromis. Placidochromis Electra showcases mild territorial behavior during breeding, making it preferable to maintain multiple females per male for a harmonious setup.

Feeding and Diet

Placidochromis Electra has an adaptable palate and readily accepts a varied diet comprising live, frozen, and dried foods. Additionally, incorporating vegetables such as spirulina flakes or blanched spinach enriches their nutritional intake, contributing to their overall health.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Reproduction in Placidochromis Electra involves maternal mouthbrooding, where the female carries a brood of up to 50 eggs for about three weeks before releasing free-swimming fry. Males are larger and more vibrant in color compared to females, exhibiting territorial behavior during spawning. The breeding tank should mimic their natural habitat, providing an appropriate pH of 8.0-8.5, a temperature of 77-80°F, and ample space for spawning activities.

Habitat and Distribution

Endemic to Lake Malawi, Placidochromis Electra inhabits regions surrounding Likoma Island, Mara Point, and various coastal areas of Malawi. Typically found in deeper waters above sandy substrates, this species displays a preference for environments where it can thrive while foraging for invertebrates and food particles.


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