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Minimum Tank Size200 litres / 52.83 US gallons
Maximum Size14.0cm / 5.51inches
Temperature24°C / 75.20°F - 28°C / 82.40°F

General Description

Protomelas Fenestratus, commonly known as Fenestratus, is a species of cichlid known for its unique feeding behavior of blowing sediment off rocks to uncover food. It closely resembles P. taeniolatus and displays various color forms that may be reclassified as distinct species in the future. Endemic to Lake Malawi, this species can grow up to 14.0cm in length.

Aquarium Setup

For a thriving habitat, a tank size of at least 200 litres with a pH of 7.6-8.8 and a temperature of 24-28°C is recommended. Tank setup should include rocks forming caves with open water areas and a sandy substrate.


Fenestratus is a peaceful species, but males can become territorial during breeding. It is best kept with peaceful Malawi species like Aulonocara and Copadichromis. Males are highly territorial, necessitating a large tank for multiple males and several females per male to reduce aggression.

Feeding and Diet

These cichlids are accepting of various foods but prefer live and frozen varieties as their primary diet.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Maternal mouthbrooders, females carry eggs for around 3 weeks before releasing the fry. Males display intense colors during spawning and are larger and more colorful than females, with extended dorsal, anal, and pelvic fins.

Habitat and Distribution

Found in rocky shoreline areas and intermediate sandy zones along the northern and southwestern parts of Lake Malawi, Fenestratus thrives in habitats with piles of rocks forming caves and sandy substrates.


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