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Minimum Tank Size71 litres / 18.76 US gallons
Maximum Size8.0cm / 3.15inches
Temperature20°C / 68.00°F - 26°C / 78.80°F

General Description

The Dwarf Egyptian Mouth-Brooder (Pseudocrenilabrus Multicolor) is a cichlid species that has been a part of the aquarium hobby for over a century. The species includes two distinct subspecies, Pseudocrenilabrus multicolor multicolor and P. m. victoriae, with unique coloration and patterning. It is known to be tolerant of various water conditions and is easily bred in captivity.

Aquarium Setup

For the Dwarf Egyptian Mouth-Brooder, a tank with a minimum size of 71 litres should be provided. The setup should include hiding spots like clay pot caves, roots, and driftwood. While plants are not mandatory, they offer additional cover. A substrate of sand or fine gravel is recommended, especially since the male tends to dig during spawning. Detailed water parameter requirements include a hardness of 5-15°dH, a pH range of 6.5-7.2, and a temperature between 20-26°C (see table).


This cichlid species can display aggressive behavior towards other tank inhabitants, especially those in the lower regions of the aquarium. They are territorial and males can be highly aggressive towards each other. Generally, they should be kept in a harem setting with multiple females. If kept with other species, a larger tank is necessary. Suitable tankmates in smaller setups include African tetras and small surface-dwelling fish like hatchetfish.

Feeding and Diet

The Dwarf Egyptian Mouth-Brooder is adaptable and will accept various foods. A balanced diet can consist of high-quality cichlid pellets as a staple, supplemented with regular feedings of live and frozen foods. Ensuring a varied diet is key to their overall health and well-being.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Breeding the Dwarf Egyptian Mouth-Brooder is relatively easy as they are maternal mouthbrooders. It is recommended to have one male with several females or a group of young fish to allow natural pairing. During breeding, the male creates a pit in the substrate and entices the female to spawn. Males are slightly larger and more colorful, especially when breeding.

Habitat and Distribution

In the wild, the Dwarf Egyptian Mouth-Brooder is found in streams, ponds, and lake tributaries primarily in Egypt, Rwanda, Uganda, Sudan, Tanzania, and Kenya. They inhabit slow-moving or still waters, often near aquatic plants or under floating vegetation. To mimic their natural habitat, it is advisable to provide similar conditions in the aquarium setup.


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