Fresh Water

Pundamilia Nyererei

Perciformes Print

Family: Cichlidae
Synonym Names: Haplochromis nyererei Witte-Maas & Witte
Classification Order: Perciformes

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Minimum Tank Size270 litres / 71.33 US gallons
Maximum Size8.0cm / 3.15inches
Temperature23°C / 73.40°F - 27°C / 80.60°F
Hardness4.03dgH / 72ppm - 15.02dgH / 268ppm

General Description

The Pundamilia Nyererei, a member of the Cichlidae family under Perciformes, is an omnivorous cichlid species primarily feeding on aquatic invertebrates and zooplankton. Endemic to the southern region of Lake Victoria, this species is one of five within the Pundamilia genus, often associated with Haplochromis until further taxonomic clarification is achieved. Males of this species exhibit vibrant colors and grow larger than their female counterparts, reaching a maximum size of 8.0cm.

Aquarium Setup

When setting up an aquarium for Pundamilia Nyererei, a minimum tank size of 270 litres is recommended. This species thrives in rocky environments with limited open swimming space, indicating that the majority of the tank should be filled with rockwork. The setup should include arrangements that create multiple broken lines-of-sight within the tank, facilitating the establishment of territories and providing ample hiding spots.


Males of the Pundamilia Nyererei species are known for their aggressive nature, often displaying territorial behavior and potential aggression towards other males. Inadequate tank cover can lead to fatal conflicts between males, with females also at risk of aggression. To mitigate aggression and establish a balanced environment, it is advised to introduce multiple females per male. While this species can coexist with other Victorian and Malawian cichlid species, careful consideration should be given to population mixing and avoiding particular Pundamilia spp.

Feeding and Diet

In the wild, Pundamilia Nyererei predominantly feeds on aquatic invertebrates and zooplankton. When kept in an aquarium, they readily accept a variety of foods but should be offered live and frozen options such as Artemia, Daphnia, and mosquito larvae. Incorporating vegetable matter through high-quality dried products is also essential for their balanced diet.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Pundamilia Nyererei is a maternal mouthbrooder, commonly spawning in species tanks or community settings. Breeding groups typically consist of a single male and at least three females. During mating, males attract females to spawning sites, where fertilization occurs as the female attempts to collect "fake" eggs from the male's anal fin. After a gestation period of approximately three weeks, the female releases free-swimming fry that can be nourished with suitable food sources immediately.

Habitat and Distribution

Restricted to rocky littoral habitats around islands, Pundamilia Nyererei is prominently found in shelf-like formations. Endemic to Lake Victoria, this species' distribution spans the lake's shoreline shared among Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania. Notably, P. nyererei is primarily recorded in the southern region of Lake Victoria within Tanzania, with distinct populations identified across various islands and gulfs along the lake's perimeter. Male coloration may vary based on locality, necessitating accurate labeling to prevent hybridization in aquarium settings.


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