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Minimum Tank Size135 litres / 35.66 US gallons
Maximum Size20.0cm / 7.87inches
Temperature23°C / 73.40°F - 28°C / 82.40°F

General Description

The Black Chin Tilapia, scientifically known as Sarotherodon Melanotheron Melanotheron, is a species that comprises five sub-species. It is a hearty fish that has been introduced to various regions for aquaculture purposes, leading to thriving populations in areas of Asia, Europe, and the USA. This species is a paternal mouth-brooder and is known for its adaptability to a wide range of water conditions.

Aquarium Setup

For the Black Chin Tilapia, a sandy substrate is preferred, and tank decor can vary based on personal preference. Suitable decorations may include smooth rocks, driftwood, and sturdy plants like Anubias sp., as softer leaved varieties may be consumed. This species can thrive in both neutral to hard freshwater setups and lightly brackish conditions with a salinity level of 1.005 sg.


Typically not aggressive, the Black Chin Tilapia can coexist with robust African cichlids, docile Central American species, Loricariids, and Synodontis species. However, smaller fish might be viewed as prey. In its natural habitat, this fish forms schools and can be housed in groups in aquariums. During breeding periods, territorial behavior can be observed, necessitating a spacious tank environment.

Feeding and Diet

Black Chin Tilapia should be fed a diverse diet featuring a mix of dried, live, and frozen foods. It is essential to incorporate vegetable matter into their diet, such as spirulina flakes and nori. Ensuring a balanced diet contributes to the overall health and well-being of these fish.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

During courtship, female Black Chin Tilapia excavate a pit in the substrate where they lay eggs, fertilized by the male. The male guards the brood in his mouth for approximately 2-3 weeks before releasing the fry. Sexual dimorphism is challenging to discern, with mature males showing more black around the head area and possessing a colorful operculum.

Habitat and Distribution

The Black Chin Tilapia thrives in estuarine waters, particularly in mangrove regions, as well as freshwater lagoons and rivers. Native to coastal areas of North-western Africa, this species can be found in countries such as Nigeria, Cameroon, Senegal, Ghana, and Sierra Leone.


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