Fresh Water
Satanoperca Leucosticta

Satanoperca Leucosticta

Perciformes Print

Family: Cichlidae
Synonym Names: Geophagus leucostictus Müller & Troschel, Satanoperca macrolepis Günther
Classification Order: Perciformes

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Minimum Tank Size650 litres / 171.71 US gallons
Maximum Size15.0cm / 5.91inches
Temperature20°C / 68.00°F - 28°C / 82.40°F
Hardness2.02dgH / 36ppm - 12.05dgH / 215ppm

General Description

Satanoperca leucosticta, commonly known as Whitespot Eartheater, is a species of cichlid found in the ornamental trade, characterized by its distinctive white spots or vermiform markings on the head. Belonging to the Perciformes order and Cichlidae family, this species showcases a benthophagous feeding nature, focusing on sifting through substrates for small invertebrates, plant material, and detritus. With a maximum size of 15.0cm, these cichlids require a minimum tank size of 650 litres and are known to be peaceful unless breeding. In the aquarium setting, proper tank setup and water conditions are crucial to their well-being.

Aquarium Setup

The key to a suitable aquarium setup for Satanoperca leucosticta lies in providing a soft, sandy substrate to mimic their natural browsing behavior. Coarser materials should be avoided, and additional decor like driftwood and scattered roots are recommended. While leaf litter mirrors their natural habitat, it can lead to issues in suspended debris, thus not typically suggested for aquariums. Maintaining water quality is imperative, with a need for soft, acidic water conditions and a filtered environment to prevent health problems in these sensitive cichlids.


Unless breeding, Satanoperca spp. are generally peaceful and do not prey on fish larger than a few millimetres. They tend to be gregarious and form loose aggregations, showing dominance hierarchies within a group of 5-8 individuals. In smaller numbers, weaker specimens may face aggression, leading to unsettled behavior. When spawning, males initiate courtship, forming territories around submerged objects, while females guard and tend to eggs and fry, displaying maternal mouthbrooding behavior.

Feeding and Diet

Being benthophagous, Satanoperca spp. sift through substrates for food, expelling waste through gill openings. Their diet consists of small aquatic and terrestrial invertebrates, plant material, and organic detritus. In captivity, offering a variety of high-quality prepared foods along with small live or frozen options like bloodworms and Artemia is essential. Maintaining a feeding schedule with smaller portions dispersed throughout the day supports their natural browsing behavior.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

S. leucosticta engage in larvophilous maternal mouthbrooding during reproduction, although variations in reproductive strategies exist across different forms within the species. Spawning is initiated by the male, with pairs forming territories for courtship. Eggs are deposited and tended to by the female until hatching, after which fry are cared for in the mother's buccal cavity. Sexual dimorphism is minimal, with adult males slightly larger than females.

Habitat and Distribution

Indigenous to regions of the Guiana Shield in eastern Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, and northern Brazil, Satanoperca leucosticta is commonly found in main river channels, tributaries, and floodplain lakes. It inhabits sandy or muddy substrates with leaf litter and submerged branches. The species has been identified in river systems like Essequibo, Demerara, Nickerie, and Branco, and is likely present in other watersheds throughout the Guiana regions.

See table for specific water conditions required for maintaining the optimal habitat in an aquarium.


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