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Minimum Tank Size70 litres / 18.49 US gallons
Maximum Size7.0cm / 2.76inches
Temperature24°C / 75.20°F - 28°C / 82.40°F

General Description

Tanganicodus Irsacae, belonging to the Cichlidae family, is a Tanganyikan Goby Cichlid found in the upper few feet of water around rocky shores in Lake Tanganyika. They have unique adaptations for this habitat, including an underslung mouth for scraping algae and a body shape suited for strong water movement. Adult Tanganicodus Irsacae can reach sizes of up to 7.0 cm.

Aquarium Setup

For Tanganicodus Irsacae, a tank size of a minimum 70 litres is recommended, with piles of rocks creating caves and hiding spots over a sandy substrate. Strong lighting to encourage algae growth is vital, along with very well-oxygenated water and a pH range of 8.0-9.0. No strong currents are necessary.


A territorial species, Tanganicodus Irsacae is best kept alone or in pairs due to aggression towards conspecifics. They form lifelong pair bonds, so tankmates should be carefully chosen to avoid conflicts, such as Cyprichromis and Paracyprichromis. Large or boisterous fish like mbuna should be avoided.

Feeding and Diet

Their diet should primarily consist of vegetable matter like blanched spinach and spirulina flakes, supplemented with small live and frozen foods. High-protein foods such as shellfish, meat (especially animal meat), or worms should be avoided.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Reproduction in Tanganicodus Irsacae can be challenging, as they are bi-parental mouthbrooders. Setting up a compatible environment with flat rocks for spawning is crucial. Males tend to be larger, and both parents play roles in caring for the offspring.

Habitat and Distribution

Endemic to Lake Tanganyika, Tanganicodus Irsacae inhabits shallow waters along the direct shoreline, typically among pebbles and rocks. Their natural habitat features breaking waves and strong currents, which influence their unique physical adaptations.


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