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Minimum Tank Size170 litres / 44.91 US gallons
Maximum Size16.0cm / 6.30inches
Temperature24°C / 75.20°F - 28°C / 82.40°F

General Description

The Tramitichromis Intermedius, belonging to the Cichlidae family, is a sand-dwelling Malawian cichlid species native to Lake Malawi. Typically reaching a maximum size of 16.0cm, these fish are known for their delicate nature in aquariums.

Aquarium Setup

For optimal care, a tank size of at least 170 litres with soft sandy substrate is crucial. Providing ample floorspace, avoiding sharp-edged materials like gravel, and incorporating scattered rockwork for cover are recommended. Water conditions should ideally maintain a hardness of 10-25°dH, pH levels between 7.6-8.8, and a temperature range of 24-28°C.


Tramitichromis Intermedius is a peaceful species except during breeding when they can become territorial. They are best kept with smaller, peaceful Malawi species like Aulonocara and Copadichromis. Males are territorial, requiring spacious tanks if kept together, as their natural territories can span 5 to 6 feet. It is advisable to have several females per male to avoid aggression.

Feeding and Diet

Being micropredators, Tramitichromis Intermedius thrives on a varied diet consisting mainly of frozen and live foods. High-quality dried products can be supplementary but should be fed sparingly. Feeding animal meat to these cichlids is strongly advised against.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

These fish are maternal mouthbrooders, needing a large tank with sandy substrates for breeding. Maintaining a ratio of several females to one male is essential for successful breeding. The male will excavate a spawning site, attract females, and fertilize the eggs. After a 3-4 week gestation period, the female releases the fry. Males are more colorful and slightly larger than females and sub-dominant males.

Habitat and Distribution

Tramitichromis Intermedius is endemic to Lake Malawi, predominantly found in shallow waters over sediment-rich sandy or muddy bottoms where they sift for food. They have a widespread distribution in the southern regions of the lake.


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