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Minimum Tank Size1000 litres / 264.17 US gallons
Maximum Size99.0cm / 38.98inches
Temperature27°C / 80.60°F - 29°C / 84.20°F

General Description

The Speckled Pavon, scientifically known as Cichla Temensis, is one of the largest species within the cichlid family, Cichlidae. Reaching sizes of up to 99.0cm, these fish are robust and hardy, able to adapt to various conditions. However, they are recommended for experienced aquarists due to their substantial size requirements.

Aquarium Setup

To house Speckled Pavon adequately, a tank size of at least 1000 litres is necessary. Providing ample swimming space, the tank should be furnished with large pieces of bogwood and sturdy plants. Due to their messy nature, efficient filtration systems such as external or sump filtration are essential (see table for water conditions).


Known to be territorial and moderately aggressive, Speckled Pavon can be housed in species groups or with other large fish like arowana, stingrays, and large cichlids. It is crucial to have an extremely large tank when keeping them with tankmates to reduce aggression, as they may consume smaller fish.

Feeding and Diet

As piscivorous creatures, their diet should mainly consist of meaty foods like prawns, mussels, lancefish, and other white fish. Providing a varied and protein-rich diet is essential for the health of Speckled Pavon.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Limited reports exist on breeding Speckled Pavon in captivity. Sexual dimorphism is evident in these fish, with males growing larger and developing a distinctive nuchal hump as they mature.

Habitat and Distribution

Speckled Pavon are found in the Rio Negro, Rio Uatumã, and Rio Orinoco basins across Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, and Brazil. They prefer habitats with specific water conditions, including a pH range of 5.5-6.5 and a temperature between 27-29°C.


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