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Minimum Tank Size140 litres / 36.98 US gallons
Maximum Size20.0cm / 7.87inches
Temperature24°C / 75.20°F - 27°C / 80.60°F

General Description

The White-Spotted Pike Cichlid, scientifically known as Crenicichla Albopunctata, belongs to the Cichlidae family and Cichlinae subfamily. With a maximum size reaching 20.0cm, this species thrives in slow-moving forest streams, tributaries, and pools with sandy substrates. Their habitat typically features overhanging vegetation that creates a dimly-lit environment.

Aquarium Setup

When setting up an aquarium for the White-Spotted Pike Cichlid, it is essential to provide a minimum tank size of 140 litres with a sand substrate. These cichlids tend to rearrange decor to their liking, so incorporating some rockwork to create caves is advisable. Robust plants, preferably potted or rooted to bogwood, can also be included in the setup. The water conditions should ideally maintain a pH range of 6.0-7.0, a temperature between 24-27°C, and a water hardness of 0-15°dH.


This species of cichlid is known to exhibit aggressive behavior, making them suitable for cohabitation with other large cichlids or as the sole species in an aquarium setup. It is crucial to ensure compatibility when introducing tank mates due to their territorial nature.

Feeding and Diet

White-Spotted Pike Cichlids should be fed a diverse diet that includes high-quality cichlid pellets or flakes, live or frozen foods like bloodworms or brine shrimp, and plant matter such as spirulina or algae wafers. Providing various food options ensures proper nutrition and helps mimic their natural feeding habits.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Limited reports exist regarding the breeding habits of the White-Spotted Pike Cichlid in the hobby. Sexual dimorphism is noticeable, with males being larger and displaying more vibrant colors compared to females.

Habitat and Distribution

Originating from the Rio Demerera in Guyana, through Suriname, to the river Approuague in French Guiana, this species is native to a specific range in South America. Their natural habitat includes the mentioned slow-moving streams and pools with sandy bottoms and overhanging vegetation that provides a dimly-lit setting for these cichlids.


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