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Minimum Tank Size750 litres / 198.13 US gallons
Maximum Size30.0cm / 11.81inches
Temperature23°C / 73.40°F - 26°C / 78.80°F

General Description

The Red-Finned Pike Cichlid, scientifically known as Crenicichla Johanna, is a species of cichlid found across the Amazon basin, exhibiting various color forms due to its wide geographic range. This predatory fish is known for its large size, with males reaching up to 30.0cm.

Aquarium Setup

To house the Red-Finned Pike Cichlid, a tank size of a minimum of 750 liters is recommended, with a sand substrate favored to accommodate their digging behavior. Additionally, rockwork for cave formation is essential as these fish like to retreat. Robust plants rooted to bogwood are ideal, and moderate to strong water flow is suitable, maintaining water conditions with a pH range of 6.0-7.0 and a temperature between 23-26°C.


The Red-Finned Pike Cichlid can display aggressive tendencies, especially towards its own species. It is advised to keep them with other large cichlids or in a species-only setup to avoid conflict. Being piscivorous, they are likely to consume any fish small enough to fit in their large mouths.

Feeding and Diet

Primarily feeding on fish, the Red-Finned Pike Cichlid has been observed to consume aquatic invertebrates as well. Their diet may also include terrestrial plant matter found in the stomach contents of their prey.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Despite being a common species in the hobby, the Red-Finned Pike Cichlid has not been successfully bred in captivity. Sexual dimorphism is evident, with males being larger and more prominently marked, while females tend to exhibit more vibrant colors.

Habitat and Distribution

These cichlids are native to faster-moving rivers and streams, with a distribution spanning across northern South America, including river basins in countries such as Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, French Guiana, and Brazil. Populations also exist in Peru, Suriname, and Bolivia.


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