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Minimum Tank Size1000 litres / 264.17 US gallons
Maximum Size40.0cm / 15.75inches
Temperature27°C / 80.60°F - 29°C / 84.20°F

General Description

The Atabo Red Pike Cichlid, scientifically known as Crenicichla Lugubris, is an eye-catching and vibrant fish during its early stages but matures into a large, aggressive adult requiring a substantial tank due to its maximum size of 40.0 cm. Belonging to the Cichlidae family under the Cichlinae subfamily, this fish is commonly found in well-planted rivers and tributaries of South America.

Aquarium Setup

With a recommended minimum tank size of 1000 litres, these cichlids thrive in a tank setup featuring sand substrate to accommodate their digging behavior. They tend to rearrange decor to their liking, making rockwork essential for creating caves where they can retreat. Sturdy plants, preferably anchored to bogwood, are advised for the aquarium setup. The water conditions should ideally maintain a pH of 5.5-6.5, a hardness of 0-15°dH, and a temperature range of 27-29°C.


Known for their aggressive tendencies, Atabo Red Pike Cichlids can exhibit hostility towards other fish, especially conspecifics. It is recommended to either house them with other large cichlids or keep them in a species-only setup to avoid conflicts. These cichlids have voracious appetites and may prey on smaller fish due to their large mouths.

Feeding and Diet

To ensure optimal health, a varied diet is essential for Atabo Red Pike Cichlids. They should be fed high-quality cichlid pellets or flakes, along with live or frozen foods like bloodworms or brine shrimp. Additionally, incorporating meaty foods such as prawns and mussels, as well as vegetable matter like spirulina or algae wafers, is recommended to meet their dietary needs.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Breeding Atabo Red Pike Cichlids in captivity is rarely reported, with beliefs that they are cave spawners exhibiting excellent parental care. However, male aggression as they mature can hinder the formation of pairs, often resulting in the death of potential mates. Sexual dimorphism is evident in these cichlids, with males displaying a white stripe on their dorsal fins, while females are notably more colorful.

Habitat and Distribution

Native to South America, Atabo Red Pike Cichlids have been observed in various locations such as the Rio Corantijn in Suriname, Rio Essequibo in Guyana, Rio Negro, and Rio Uatumã in Brazil, as well as the Rio Branco shared between Brazil and Guyana. Their natural habitat typically comprises well-planted rivers and tributaries where they can thrive.


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