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Minimum Tank Size90 litres / 23.78 US gallons
Maximum Size16.0cm / 6.30inches
Temperature20°C / 68.00°F - 24°C / 75.20°F
Hardness5.04dgH / 90ppm - 15.02dgH / 268ppm

General Description

Iksookimia hugowolfeldi, belonging to the family Cobitidae, is a peaceful species primarily found in Korea. Known for its micropredator feeding habits, this loach exhibits specific physical characteristics that differentiate it from other Iksookimia species. It is recommended to maintain this species in well-oxygenated and clean water conditions to ensure its health and well-being.

Aquarium Setup

For optimal care, it is advised to maintain Iksookimia hugowolfeldi in a tank with a minimum capacity of 90 litres with a turnover rate of 10-15 times per hour. The aquarium should include a substrate of gravel, sand, or a mixture of both, along with water-worn rocks, pebbles, and driftwood. Aquatic plants such as Microsorum, Crinum, and Anubias species can be added, providing additional cover and stability. Regular partial water changes are crucial for maintaining stable water conditions.


Iksookimia spp. are generally peaceful towards tankmates, including conspecifics. They thrive in the company of at least four individuals and do not exhibit aggressive behavior. However, they may prey on eggs or fry if present in the same tank. When selecting tankmates, peaceful small cyprinids, current-loving loaches, and rheophilic gobies from compatible genera are recommended companions, while aggressive bottom-dwellers should be avoided.

Feeding and Diet

In their natural habitat, Iksookimia hugowolfeldi primarily feeds on chironomid larvae and benthic invertebrates. In an aquarium setting, they accept sinking dried foods but should also be offered a varied diet consisting of small live and frozen foods like Daphnia, Artemia, and bloodworm. Maintaining a diverse diet is essential for their overall health and nutritional requirements.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

While the spawning behavior of Iksookimia hugowolfeldi is presumed to be seasonal in nature, there are no reports of successful breeding in captivity. Sexual dimorphism is noticeable in adults, with females typically being heavier-bodied and slightly larger than males. Mature males display extended first pectoral-fin rays and a distinct lamina circularis structure at the base of the second.

Habitat and Distribution

Endemic to Korea, Iksookimia hugowolfeldi is specifically found in the south-western province of Jeollanam-do. This species prefers small, shallow rivers and streams with moderate to fast currents, characterized by substrates of rocks, sand, and gravel. It thrives in clear, oxygen-rich water conditions without aquatic plants, typical of the climatic conditions in South Korea.


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