Fresh Water
Microcobitis Misgurnoides

Microcobitis Misgurnoides

Cypriniformes Print

Family: Cobitidae
Synonym Names: Cobitis misgurnoides Rendahl, Cobitis nuicocensis Nguyen & Vo
Classification Order: Cypriniformes

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Minimum Tank Size40 litres / 10.57 US gallons
Maximum Size4.1cm / 1.61inches
Temperature20°C / 68.00°F - 24°C / 75.20°F
Hardness1.01dgH / 18ppm - 10.03dgH / 179ppm

General Description

Microcobitis Misgurnoides was reclassified from the genus Cobitis and is a small-sized fish with distinct features such as a shorter, rounded snout and a midlateral row of brown blotch-like markings on its body. Belonging to the Cobitidae family, it is known for its sharp, motile, sub-ocular spines. This species, not yet in the aquarium trade, is part of a lineage distributed across Europe, Asia, Vietnam, and Laos.

Aquarium Setup

The Microcobitis Misgurnoides is likely to thrive in a tank with a soft, sandy substrate, minimal decor, and ample hiding spots. Lighting can be dim unless growing plants, and adding water-worn rocks, driftwood, or leaf litter can enhance its habitat. Regular water changes are crucial for its well-being, as it is intolerant to organic waste accumulation.


This species is best kept in groups of six or more, but it can also adapt to smaller numbers. It thrives alongside upper-water column dwellers like Danios and Rasboras. Microcobitis Misgurnoides is gregarious and shows no signs of aggression towards its own species or tankmates.

Feeding and Diet

While its natural diet is not extensively documented, in captivity, Microcobitis Misgurnoides accepts dried foods and live or frozen options like Artemia nauplii and Cyclops. Ensuring that the food offered is appropriately sized is important for their feeding habits.

Reproduction & Dimorphism

Little is known about the breeding habits of Microcobitis Misgurnoides in captivity, with suggestions that they may be seasonal spawners in their natural habitat. Adult females are generally larger and heavier than males, who possess extended second pectoral-fin rays and a unique lamina circularis structure.

Habitat and Distribution

Originally described near Da Nang, Vietnam, Microcobitis Misgurnoides is found in various river basins in Vietnam and eastern Laos. They inhabit rivers that stem from the Annamite mountain range as part of the Mekong River system. The species demonstrates a preference for pristine environments and may require spotless water to flourish.


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